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How to get vertical lines for borders automatically according to height of webpage

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  • How to get vertical lines for borders automatically according to height of webpage

    Hi friends !

    I am making the website in 800x600 resolution. I created three files and one template. These are:

    • banner.php (For Banner)
    • footer.php (For Footer)
    • menu.php (For Drop-down navigation bar)
    • main.php (Template)

    Then I created three HTML boxes in main.php for banner, footer and menu with help of the following tip on the forum:

    I used main.php template for making 4-5 test webpages. I am able to have banner, footer and navigation bar on those pages. Up to this point, everything is fine. But…

    I want to make left and right border for the webpages . Right now, what I am doing is this that for each webpage, I am drawing a graphics vertical line for borders according to the height of that page. And whenever I add more content/text to that page, I manually increase the height of the vertical lines/borders regardless of the height of the webpage.

    This is very tiresome job for me as I have more than 60 pages and for each page I have to do it manually. I want it automatically using template or any other way of embedding script on the template, so that the vertical line for borders increase and decrease according to the webpage height.

    Please help me to accomplish this task.



  • #2
    Re: How to get vertical lines for borders automatically according to height of webpag

    You probably want to take all that you made and put your template into a php page that gets called up by each page you make - no need to redo it all every time. Take a look here:
    A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

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    SEO - The Basics


    • #3
      Re: How to get vertical lines for borders automatically according to height of webpag

      Hi, this is called a fluid template page & cant be done with BV. At least not without a lot of coding. I tend to find it more easy to have 2 lots of php template pages (IE: one at 650 long & 1 at a 1000 or so long). You will only have to update possibly 1or2 extra php templates for the whole site.
      Would be nice if BV had this facility of auto lengthening a page.
      Regards Chris.

      Collectables, Collecting,

      House build project


      • #4
        Re: How to get vertical lines for borders automatically according to height of webpag

        Two tricks I use - don't know if it will help your situation.
        1. use a one by one pixel and set the height and width to whatever you want to occupy the space :)
        <img src="pixel.gif" height="250" width="2" />

        2. Make a table within a table, set the background table to a size slightly larger than the inner table, set a background color in the outer table to give you a border.

