I just wanted to check before I go ahead with this web site.
I understand that you do not allow "pornography". My husband is a photographer and takes "artistic nudes" and I'm making him a web site.
Would that be acceptable at VodaHost? (All over the legal age of 19 with signed permission from the models) The pictures are black and white, tastful, nothing could be construed as porn, but like all art, it is a matter of opinion and very subjective.
I just wanted to check before I go ahead with this web site.
I understand that you do not allow "pornography". My husband is a photographer and takes "artistic nudes" and I'm making him a web site.
Would that be acceptable at VodaHost? (All over the legal age of 19 with signed permission from the models) The pictures are black and white, tastful, nothing could be construed as porn, but like all art, it is a matter of opinion and very subjective.