I already have scrolling pictures in a marquee on the index page of my site, but I want to add another of the same thing but with different pics and now I cannot remember how to do it, I have tried a couple different ways but those were not it. Can someone tell me again how to do it. www.firstuccburl.org sbleez
Scrolling Pictures in Marquee
Re: Scrolling Pictures in Marquee
Hi, i may stand corrected! But i think the marquee lost this facility on the last BV upgrade. On the old one you just added an image html to the text box. IE:
<img src="http://www.firstuccburl.org/IMGP1715.JPG" border="0" style="width:215px;height:172px;">
But this wont work with the new one. Can only suggest using some code like below. Place this in a html box on the front of your page.
Would also recommend reducing most of the sites & marquee's images as they are slowing the loading of pages.
Good luck.
<div align="center"><FONT
color="#000000" size="+1"><MARQUEE bgcolor="#ffffff" direction="right" loop="20" scrolldelay="90" scrollamount="4""><img src="http://www.firstuccburl.org/IMGP1715.JPG" border="0" style="width:215px;height:172px;"><img src="http://www.firstuccburl.org/100_0352.jpg" border="0" style="width:215px;height:172px;"></MARQUEE></DIV>