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Size of webpage

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  • Size of webpage

    I was just wondering, is there a way to make the webpage automatically appear depend on the computer width when someone else using a laptop open it? I mean, can it just expand or contract if the size is too small, or too big. Let say, the BV support forum for example. When we click maximize, the webpage itself grows big and fit to screen. The same thing happen when we "restore down", it will go back to it's original size.
    I need help in this one. I know how to make the browser appear center though.
    Working on Major Project and I hope BlueVoda can ease the process for making a website

  • #2
    Re: Size of webpage

    Hi, it cant be done with BV. You would need a fluid template & knowledge of html to accomplish this.
    Regards Chris.

    Collectables, Collecting,

    House build project


    • #3
      Re: Size of webpage

      ohh...I thought it can...tough luck...anyways, I hope in the future, this properties exist because most of the webpage are like that. Thank you.
      Working on Major Project and I hope BlueVoda can ease the process for making a website


      • #4
        Re: Size of webpage

        It would be nice to have the facility. But with the advent of wide screen screens these days, its actually quite nice not to have this some times. I find with some screens, its like going to the cinema & siting in the very front row. (Not always the best for viewing)

        Good luck.
        Regards Chris.

        Collectables, Collecting,

        House build project

