Hello, I would like to make a web site with you, but i do not understand how to start. I have watched and understand the tutorials but they do not tell me how to get your main design page/template onto my screen in the first place, to enable me to attempt to open my first page. Can you please explain to me how do i do this. Thank you. Jill
what is the first step please?
Re: what is the first step please?
Open a new blank page in the builder, and atart adding the different elements you want on your page, such as back gorund (if you want one) banner, logo, menu bar, text and images. Play around adding different things until you figure out what you want. Templates are different and require editing by another program. To get your page on the internet you will have to publish it and that will require a Hosting plan (paid) through VodaHost and a Domain Name (you can get one form VodaHost free for one year when you sign up)
Re: what is the first step please?
Did you down load BlueVoda? http://www.vodasupport.com/index.php...wnloaditemid=1
Once you dowmload it click the icon on your desk top as you would any other program, when it opens you will have a choice to open a new page or an existing one, click new (you haven't created any so you do not have any existing)
Re: what is the first step please?
Your welcome