Hi I recently paid my invoice with my paypal acount to to have my hosting account for another yaer with a free domain for a yaer as www.chaimcore.net .
now unfortionatly your billing dep. did not give me my login details after paying my account invoice and I am realy mad about this becuase I have payed for something with my paypal via my amex card that I havent been able to use at all!
also the clint id# for my invoice recipt is CLIENT ID #11558
now you guys are iether to give me my correct ip, username and password for my account that i just renewed with you guys for 95$! or some how make good on the money that I gave you guys a month ago or I am never going to do bussiness with you guys AGAIN!!!!
Chaim Zias.
now unfortionatly your billing dep. did not give me my login details after paying my account invoice and I am realy mad about this becuase I have payed for something with my paypal via my amex card that I havent been able to use at all!
also the clint id# for my invoice recipt is CLIENT ID #11558
now you guys are iether to give me my correct ip, username and password for my account that i just renewed with you guys for 95$! or some how make good on the money that I gave you guys a month ago or I am never going to do bussiness with you guys AGAIN!!!!
Chaim Zias.