Hello, its been recommended to create my own web page to help with the type of on-line business I'm going to do. I found this web-site web builder to be the easiest. I'm great with building computers, but in ah with web designing.
Is there maybe a instruction step by step, with a general templates 1st, then so on to go by. I really would like a one on one help, becuase
you think as much as I know about computers, this would be no problem
Kind of embarrasing. I need to get this set up as quick as possible.
I have the template I want but as far as how to do links inside the page to click on and maybe a search bar, I can't seem to find out how to do.
Is there maybe a instruction step by step, with a general templates 1st, then so on to go by. I really would like a one on one help, becuase
you think as much as I know about computers, this would be no problem
Kind of embarrasing. I need to get this set up as quick as possible.
I have the template I want but as far as how to do links inside the page to click on and maybe a search bar, I can't seem to find out how to do.