I have a small black dot on the left side of my index page that I cannot delete. It appears as a white square on my published page. Not sure where this came from but I need it removed. www.bestwineinsights.com Thanks!
Trouble deleting item from index page
Re: Trouble deleting item from index page
hi just right click on it and then press cut this should work also your page is opening to the right of your window to rectify this move everything to the left of your pages and and then go into page properties and tick center in browser then when you publish your pages they will come up in the center
hope this helps .
Re: Trouble deleting item from index page
Hi golly1
I wish it was that simple to press cut and delete. My mouse does not recognize it as anything, but there is definantly an image there. When I preview the page, I get a message saying additional plug ins are required to view all media on page. I you know of another way to delete this, let me know. I will take your advise on the centering issue. Funny this looks fine on my pc after publishing. Thanks!