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Need help with multiple websites.

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  • Need help with multiple websites.

    I just purchased a second domain name. As soon as I got my welcome letter I followed the directions as far as updating the dns information on my account. Updated my cPanel as an add-on. So, I think I'm covered there.

    Now, here are my questions. I use vodahost and for my first website I used soholaunch because I sell e-books. But with this one, I don't need to sell anything. However it has nothing to do with what my first website is for.

    1. Do I need to use soholaunch for all my websites or can I use blue voda too?
    2. If I can use blue voda for this new website, (I have the bv website builder on my computer) how do I publish it so it is up an running? And if not, I guess the same question applies to soholaunch.

    In other words, I am totally confused. My first website it fine. I just don't understand sub-folders, etc. in the cPanel. With my first website, maintaining it is not a problem. Now, I just don't know what to do now.

    Any tips, and help would be GREATLY appreciated. Once I learn how, I'm fine. I can be a quick learner. I guess I just need someone to explain it in "plain" english. ;)

    Thanks, Cheryl Solis (this is the one I need help with)
    voda host client id#27200

  • #2
    Re: Need help with multiple websites.

    Hi Cheryl,
    1. Yes, you can use BlueVoda for your second site - in fact you're only
    allowed 1 free Soholaunch anyway!
    2. To build/publish the 2nd. site, create & name & "save as" & link as you
    would normally do. (Don't forget an "index" page) When you're ready to
    publish, type in the 'folder' box after the public_html/
    and away you go.
    Have fun & good luck,
    Never measure the height of the mountain you're climbing. At the summit, look back and see how small it really is!


    • #3
      Re: Need help with multiple websites.


      Thanks for your reply. I'm not suprised by the 1 free soholaunch. I kind of had a feeling about that. I appreciate you clarifying that for me.

      Thanks for the reminder about the "index" page. Now to remember how to do that. lol

      I'm sure once all is said is done, I'll realize it was easier than I thought. That's usually how it works, isn't it? lol =)

      Have a great day!
      ~ Cheryl


      • #4
        Re: Need help with multiple websites.

        I'm sorry if this seems like a dumb question. But how do you create an index page for a second website. I know I've seen it. I just can't find it again. My brain is fried and I just can't remember.

        Thanks again, Cheryl


        • #5
          Re: Need help with multiple websites.

          Originally posted by cherylislds View Post
          I'm sorry if this seems like a dumb question. But how do you create an index page for a second website. I know I've seen it. I just can't find it again. My brain is fried and I just can't remember.

          Thanks again, Cheryl
          Since every website must have an index page (be it an add-on domain, sub-domain, or another website in its own account), it too, must be called index, and to keep the different index pages from creating a conflict by being improperly published to the same "site," when you are ready you will SAVE AS which will bring up the Blue Voda SAVE Dialog, where you will then CREATE NEW FOLDER and name it for this "second site" and save the 'new' index page to that folder.

          This creating a new Named Folder and saving 'new' pages to it mimics the manner in which you will PUBLISH these pages:
          1. When you want to publish pages (starting with the 'new' index page), you will need to indicate to the server where to publish it, and typically for an add-on domain, you will enter the domain name to the right of public_html/ so it specifies which Directory you want it to be published to.

          2. For example, your BV Publish Dialog will still have the same server IP number, the same User Name, and the same Password, but you will enter the add-on domain thus: public_html/addondomain
          * Some versions of Control Panel require you to add the extension, so if you get a Message similar to "cannot create directory" then simply add in the extension: public_html/
          . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
          * Success Is Potential Realized *


          • #6
            Re: Need help with multiple websites.

            Thanks so much! Brain has since recovered.

