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Very important - please help - obscene spam written in guestbook
Re: Very important - please help - obscene spam written in guestbook
Thankyou Ahimsa for you info. Back to working on the site. I have take all the advice for you great people and done what everyone else has suggested and deleted the guest book
Re: Very important - please help - obscene spam written in guestbook
Hmm. I would really like to include the GB on my site when it's finished. Is it possible to eliminate the need for people to include their email addresses, thereby doing away with some of the incentive spammers have? I mean, if they are looking to harvest email accts, anyway. Will the GB accept fake email accts?
Hi Jon, checked your site out of curiosity & found the following which I hope you take in good spirit :) Home:Please click the link below to go to the questionnaire ?There is no link "below" but in your 'Web Site Information Pages' - could confuse some people?? Pictures of the project:This is the property which we have purchased and are converting into a naturist resort. There is (major) a lot of major rebuilding work... ...will be the dining area... Out & About: Tavira.............they have many open-air festivals...the town's main square. ...Albufeira, which are renowed... Re your Guest book problem: it seems to be the general opinion of our "Generals" + many others that a guest book just creates more problems than it's worth & therefore they do not incorporate one in their sites. (Me too!) I believe there are ways to prevent the spam/obscene content but it's quite complicated. Anyway, good luck, david
Thank you David
It help if you can spell when you try making a web-site lol.
I have deleted the guestbook.
Thank you again
Re: Very important - please help - obscene spam written in guestbook
Blogs are much more controllable than guestbooks. You have MORE control over what does or doesnt appear and can even have registered users on it.. which a guestbook doesnt allow for.
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