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H1 and H2 Tags

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  • H1 and H2 Tags

    Seeing as we lucky few do not bother with coding [thanks to Bluevoda], how do we ensure that we have the h1, h2.....tags on our web pages so as to appease the search engines?

    I used to think that by just having bold and /or underlined headings and sub headings in your page, you have somehow satisfied the h1 and h2 tags requirement.

    But someone told me that it does not work that way for wysiwygs. Now I am a bit confused. Does anyone have a suggestion please?


  • #2
    Re: H1 and H2 Tags

    Place some text on the page that is your tag & right click on the text to select the text HTML. Then place
    this <h1 style="margin:0px;"> in the before tag area & this </h1> in the after tag area. The advantage of having the margin:0px is for easer alignment with other text & when close to the edge of a page. .
    Regards Chris.

    Collectables, Collecting,

    House build project


    • #3
      Re: H1 and H2 Tags

      Yes you can simply do the larger bolder headline if you chose too. . You can also do h1 tags

      Just put what you want as h1 etc in its own text box. Now, click on the text box so you get the handles..then right click on it, chose html and before tag do the <h1> and end of tag do the </h1>



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      • #4
        Re: H1 and H2 Tags

        Thanks Kris and Karen, but it's not quite clear. Where exactly do I put this "text"? I have tried a few things based on your suggestions. But because I'm not getting the desired results, I figure I am may not be doing what you meant.
        Sorry but I'm not into HTML or coding at all. But if you please clarify this for me, I will get it right.



        • #5
          Re: H1 and H2 Tags

          HOw do you put text on your page? In text box no? Make a TEXT BOX

          Type in..

          THIS IS MY H1 TAG.

          Nothing else.. hit the text box.. right click on i.. choose html and you will then SEE the tabs as described above.



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