Hi guys i have considered intergrating my forum into my website. I have seen alot of website that have their forum integrated and it looks a whole lot more professional. Here a a few examples of other forum that are embeded in the website.
Here is my website that i want to embed my forum into. The layout of my forum looks a little different to my website
The RSD forum looks great so i'd be really happy to make my forum similar to this.
I assume it would be alot of hard work and i'd need to know html really well, which is one of my pitfalls..
I know you can use the iframe option in bluevoda to embed your forum into your website but i don' use bluevoda so is there any other way i can do this?
Here is my website that i want to embed my forum into. The layout of my forum looks a little different to my website
The RSD forum looks great so i'd be really happy to make my forum similar to this.
I assume it would be alot of hard work and i'd need to know html really well, which is one of my pitfalls..
I know you can use the iframe option in bluevoda to embed your forum into your website but i don' use bluevoda so is there any other way i can do this?