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  • cclia

    Hi this is my first time using Vodahost and creating website. Unfortunately these are the problems i faced.

    I have publish all my pages successfully, as what it seems cause ive checked the created .html files and saw just a bunch of text which i created in the homepage.The images are missing. Even then the text are not link. So did i do this right cos i have read your tutorial and i think i have done all there is to do. What else did i miss? Please revert soonest as i want my website running
    DOMAINccreativstudio.comSITE URLhttp://www.ccreativstudio.comTEMPORARY URLhttp://.../~ehzndyjs/Control Panel & BlueVoda Publishing Details:

  • #2
    Re: cclia


    not sure what you have done but it seems that you have a lots of space that links to google. I cannot see any graphics. your temp url does not work. did u preview your index page before publishing? did it look right in preview?



    • #3
      Re: cclia

      You say "i have read your tutorial and i think i have done all there is to do."

      Sorry to say, apparently not.

      First think first...

      Have you uploaded your images yet?

      You have all over the place. Do you need that?

      The text that you have on the Home page, are they separate topics
      you would want to expand on.
      If that's the case, then it would be
      if you put them on a menu and link them to their
      respective and separate pages where each page should have
      separate content, according to the page topic,
      with some keywords and key phrases in it.

      Doable Personal Finance


      • #4
        Re: cclia

        My homepage design is similar to that of a front cover magazine. So the text you see is link to all the available subpages which is shorter version title. There is only one image which doesnt show.

        When i preview my work it seems that the image is fine and my header text is in white block while the bottom text are fine. The mouse selection on the other hand is only at the image and as Millie says are connected to goolgle. Text link selection isnt there either.


        • #5
          Re: cclia

          Like stated before, the image works in preview because it is
          sitting on your computer and that's where you are accessing from.

          When you upload it to your server, then you would see it.

          Doable Personal Finance


          • #6
            Re: cclia

            Well 1st.. you dont create html files... you create bvp files.. when saving you must save to the .bvp extension

            When you publish the server renders them in .html extension or .php as the case may be in the page properties.

            When you publish you must select ALL FILES so that it will upload all the images etc.

            if you start HERE...

            all will become clear.



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