I was just wondering... If I write an entry/article and post it on my site, does the webhost own the intellectual property or is the person who posted the content the one owning it?
I got worried about this after reading the terms and conditions of some free hosting sites such as Yola.com where it is said the webhost remains the owner of intellectual property of ... and then I'm not sure if they refer to anything on their servers (including the stuff you post there) or only the software they offer you to create the site while you are the owner of the content you post. The terms (go to yola.com or weebly.com and read the terms) do state they have an unlimited license to adapt, spread or copy your content for the promotion of your site but that's very vague.
So how is it at BlueVoda: does the host own everything you publish, or do they only have the rights to the software they provide while the user is owning the intellectual property of the content posted?
PS: for several of my writings (proze, articles, ...) I registered the intellectual property already. I am however worried that if I'd post them on a website or in a blog, that it may have consequences for the intellectual property which is currently in my name and should remain so.
I got worried about this after reading the terms and conditions of some free hosting sites such as Yola.com where it is said the webhost remains the owner of intellectual property of ... and then I'm not sure if they refer to anything on their servers (including the stuff you post there) or only the software they offer you to create the site while you are the owner of the content you post. The terms (go to yola.com or weebly.com and read the terms) do state they have an unlimited license to adapt, spread or copy your content for the promotion of your site but that's very vague.
So how is it at BlueVoda: does the host own everything you publish, or do they only have the rights to the software they provide while the user is owning the intellectual property of the content posted?
PS: for several of my writings (proze, articles, ...) I registered the intellectual property already. I am however worried that if I'd post them on a website or in a blog, that it may have consequences for the intellectual property which is currently in my name and should remain so.