I am switching from Vista to Windows 7 on a new computer. First, I wanted to transfer my work to this new computer. I have read what posts there are and I have even submitted a support ticket but the files from old computer don't work in this one. All the pages are blank. I don't have any pictures on this computer yet(my hard drive). So...since I only have a couple of pages done on my website, I just want to delete EVERYTHING in Blue Voda that I used for my website. (pages, pictures, etc) and start over. I did ask support for a reset and they explained what they were going to do. "Wipe out my whole account and start new" I don't want to do that because I don't want my Wordpress deleted. Can someone help by telling me what is safe to delete? Do I delete an entire folder or do I open a particular folder and delete what is in the folder? When I'm working in Blue Voda I don't want to see any previous files or pages. I don't want to delete any Blue Voda builder components either, which I will probably do if I try to do this on my own. I also need to know WHERE do I delete these files/folders. Cpanel? Blue Voda? My hard drive? I hope someone can help so I can get started again.