Before I click anything...

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  • MaggieS

    • May 2007
    • 32

    Before I click anything...

    I wanted to check.

    When I set up the forum via fantastico I first made an index page as an intro to the members explaining what had happened with their old forum etc etc. So anyone going to gets this page first. Now they are finding us and word has got around I wanted the domain address to go straight to the forum so if I just delete the index page will that happen or do I have to do a lot of complicated stuff too?


    Thank you

    added I should say that the actual forum at the moment is I think I had to do that when I installed the phpbb thingie. Make a folder called forum or whatever.
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: Before I click anything...

    You need to go into your account's cPanel and manually delete the BV-created index page to remove the conflict.

    Yes .... when you remove the earlier index page, the remaining Forum index page will be delivered instead ..... visitors will "go to the forum" when they key in your domain.
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • MaggieS

      • May 2007
      • 32

      Re: Before I click anything...

      Thank you Vasili. You always have the answers. Much appreciated x


      • Vasili

        • Mar 2006
        • 14683

        Re: Before I click anything...

        I re-read your post and must have missed something, because I gave you the wrong info ----

        If you want to have your Forum be your MAIN website, your Primary online thing, then you will need to do either of two things to make it so your Visitors arrive at the Forum when they type in your Main Domain ....

        1. Either Forward your Main Domain ( to the URL of where your Forum is now ( ) so there is a seamless direction of traffic --- and the "reservation" for future use of the Domain proper, like buidling another website in front of the Forum .... (preferred, if you ask me) ... OR
        2. Since you have but a very few members and hardly any content in your Forum, you can un-install it from the "forum" directory easily via Fantastico and re-install it directly on your public_html directory of the Main Domain so when people type in the URL of the Main Domain they arrive at the Forum without deviation.

        Personally, if you are still in the beginning processes of building your web presence, and the Forum is likely to be NOT the biggest thing for your operations, I would opt for the domain forwarding (which is done in the Customer Panel at wherever the domain resides), leaving the Forum where it is now. I would be thinking of how to build a new website in the Primary Directory that someday could provide a single-click link to the Forum, but have all the benefits of having a larger, fuller website to first land on and explore .....

        Sorry for the confusion. Doesn't happen very often, and I try to be quick indeed making up for it ...
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • MaggieS

          • May 2007
          • 32

          Re: Before I click anything...

          I deleted the index page and it has gone but now there is a blank page with just a list of what is in the burnleywood file showing for the domain and I can't republish the index page for now because the 'publish' click in blue voda refuses my password.

          I can log to the ftp ok but not publish.

          I am sure someone is getting into things on my computer or the cpanel etc.

          .....Ah now I have read your last post and seee I shouldnt have done it....oops.

          I have managed to get it back though by finding the index page in the cache and putting it back after renaming it from htm to html. I didt have any idea what I was doing really but it worked.

          Mym ajor problem now is that though I can use FTP from BV I cannot publish alterations because password not accepted.???


          No I was wrong I just have a blank page now on my domain.


          • Vasili

            • Mar 2006
            • 14683

            Re: Before I click anything...

            Duzzuna make sense if you can get into cPanel but not publish.

            Try this .... since you are just going to re-publish the index page that WAS there, and the images and things are still on the server ... try to upload the BV index file directly off your HD using the UPLOAD tool in your cPanel to "replace" it back to the public_html/ folder .... and if you have your domain here at VH and you're already in your cP, go ahead and set Domain Forwarding of the to ....

            If you have your domain elsewhere, then you'll have to get into that cPanel there and set Domain Forwarding. Either/Or .. it's a simple couple of clicks, not a strain.

            Let me know if uploading the index page via the cPanel's UPLOAD tool worked?

            Might also think to change your password before exiting your cPanel (which changes it for Publishing also) and giveing the servers 15-20 minutes to "resolve" before trying to either re-enter cP or Publish.
            . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
            * Success Is Potential Realized *


            • Vasili

              • Mar 2006
              • 14683

              Re: Before I click anything...

              Don't change the file's extension .... leave it .bvd .... if you really ARE in your VH cPanel, just go ahead and change the Password .... give it some time, and then use that new password to see if you can publish the index page normally IN BV ... something is not right about how this is all happening. Makes me suspicious.

              Then, use the new password to get back in your cP to see if the page was published by BV correctly.
              . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
              * Success Is Potential Realized *


              • Vasili

                • Mar 2006
                • 14683

                Re: Before I click anything...

                5:30 am, and I have gotten exactly 2.5 hours sleep in the last 3 days. I am hallucinating now, and am literally crashing. I'll check back in whenever I awake. Sunday??? LOLOLOL
                . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                * Success Is Potential Realized *


                • MaggieS

                  • May 2007
                  • 32

                  Re: Before I click anything...

                  Thank you I have done the domain thing and that works. You are an angel. Now I am going to try and sort out the password. I can log onto FTP and I can go to Cpanel but I cant publish direct from bv my password not accepted

                  'internet exception 12014
                  The request..................................supplied password is incorrect'

                  It is the same password for the cpanel and FTP in tools??? they have all worked okay before

                  So I will go find password change int he cpanel? and the same password will work for logon with voda/FTP and the BV builder?


                  • MaggieS

                    • May 2007
                    • 32

                    Re: Before I click anything...

                    Bless you it is 1100 here so I am bright (well as bright as I can be) and rerin to go. I have found the problem which was quite simple - somehow the numbers bit 208.43.222 etc had been changed int he little password box??? anyway I have put it to the right one and it all works.

                    So thanks to you my domain goes straight to forum and BV is working again. Many Many thanks.


                    • Vasili

                      • Mar 2006
                      • 14683

                      Re: Before I click anything...

                      ... and on we go!
                      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                      * Success Is Potential Realized *

