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  • Vasili
    Re: Publishing a file

    Originally posted by youlanderca View Post
    I was able to make changes and publish my index page but not able to uploaded changes on my event or announcement page. This is the first time I have had trouble publishing my website. I have been managing this site for a couple of years and never had any problem. www.prayingasone.com
    The site is online, but this might explain why you cannot upload your PDF file using the simple methods as normally used ... (for as you insist you uploaded the file, but it still cannot be "found").

    You may wish to simply Contact VodaHost Support to verify your Login information, and to check the status of your account -- does no harm, and may be the only way to sort out the difficulties you are experiencing.

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  • Collectors-info
    Re: Publishing a file

    Sounds like your cache needs clearing. Try hitting F5 many times wile having the offending page in your browser.

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  • youlanderca
    Re: pdf

    trying again

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  • youlanderca
    Publishing a file

    I was able to make changes and publish my index page but not able to uploaded changes on my event or announcement page. This is the first time I have had trouble publishing my website. I have been managing this site for a couple of years and never had any problem.


    Not good to post private details of server login.

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  • Vasili
    Re: pdf

    Originally posted by youlanderca View Post
    Hello,I have the file uploaded in file manager but I still don't undstanding about numberStill lost
    Obvoiusly, you did not upload your PDF file properly, for if you had, the link would work. As it is now, it is not being "found" as being on the server.

    Please re-read the posted instructions again carefully ....

    Originally posted by Vasili View Post
    2. Using BlueFTP, upload your PDF file to your public_html/ directory of your domain, which you will see clearly in the heirarchy of the file system shown in the screens when you connect. Review the Tutorial on How to Use BlueFTP before you connect for the first time.

    3. You will then be able to create simple text links on your pages that will look like this: http://www.prayingasone.com/icci-2011.pdf and they will function just as described.
    * You can see how this works for yourself by testing one of my PDF's I crreated for my SEO site by clicking on the textlink here > Black Hat SEO Methods to Avoid

    If you need additional description of this method or can benefit by the examples used, it is outlined in detail in this Tutorial on How To Create Downloads in Blue Voda. Just be sure to mentally replace the ".zip" file extension used in the instructions as an example for your ".pdf" type of file!
    This should not be difficult, and I cannot see from a distance exactly what you are doing or trying to do to follow the steps outlined: you are describing screen views that do not appear normally.

    Follow the steps carefully and precisely to get the proven results. What more can be asked?

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  • youlanderca
    Re: pdf

    Hello,I have the file uploaded in file manager but I still don't undstanding about number
    You will then be able to create simple text links on your pages that will look like this: http://www.YourDomain.com/prayer-tips.pdf and they will function just as described.

    Still lost
    Praying As One offers a beautiful hand held prayer cross for sale. Our unique religious cross is designed to be held by two people at one time or one person with both hands. Our beautiful cross can become a personalized cross very easily. Our handmade wooden cross is 6

    Control Panel:

    file name in control panel: folder icci-2009
    file name:icci-2011.pdf

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  • Vasili
    Re: pdf

    Seems this helped .....

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  • Vasili
    Re: pdf

    You cannot embed a PDF onto a page created by Blue Voda (neither can you embed other OLE objects or documents as Excel or PowerPoint), but you can provide a link to it which will open in Adobe Reader (make sure you have it loaded onto your computer, and maybe even provide a link on your site for Visitors to download Adobe Reader free also) and display the PDF as a whole so Visitors can read, print out a copy, or even save a copy to their own system.

    1. Make sure your PDF has been given a brief Title without spaces (use a hyphen or underscore, as this is important when creating links) and preferrably using lower case letters only, for example: prayer-tips.pdf

    2. Using BlueFTP, upload your PDF file to your public_html/ directory of your domain, which you will see clearly in the heirarchy of the file system shown in the screens when you connect. Review the Tutorial on How to Use BlueFTP before you connect for the first time.

    3. You will then be able to create simple text links on your pages that will look like this: http://www.YourDomain.com/prayer-tips.pdf and they will function just as described.
    * You can see how this works for yourself by testing one of my PDF's I crreated for my SEO site by clicking on the textlink here > Black Hat SEO Methods to Avoid

    If you need additional description of this method or can benefit by the examples used, it is outlined in detail in this Tutorial on How To Create Downloads in Blue Voda. Just be sure to mentally replace the ".zip" file extension used in the instructions as an example for your ".pdf" type of file!

    You may find other methods to imitate embedding a PDF onto a Blue Voda page (iFrames, PHP, etc.) but these are not as "Search Engine friendly" as you need your pages to be, and the difficulty level in successful creation makes the above method far more favorable for most novice to intermediate Blue Voda Users.

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  • youlanderca
    started a topic pdf


    How to insert pdf on page