Whenever i publish my page and look at it online, some code appears on top of the page and i think it is because of the submit button. can someone help me fix the problem?
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Re: Question about using submit button(code appears on top of screen when i publish p
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Re: Question about using submit button(code appears on top of screen when i publish p
my domain name is www.skylinecustomguitars.com, its still not up because vodahost is taking a while to transfer the link. the client id is skylinec
Re: Question about using submit button(code appears on top of screen when i publish p
whenever i publish my page it looks like any thoughts on why this happens?
Re: Question about using submit button(code appears on top of screen when i publish p
When using the BlueVoda eMail Form and the tools provided, you have to be sure to place all the email fields and other elements -- especially the Submit button -- inside the margins of the email Form area.
Also, in FORM PROPERTIES, be sure to select "Use built-in PHP form processor to send date to email address" and, in PAGE PROPERTIES to select "Page Extension: PHP" (Be sure to make corrections to your navigation to reflect the proper ".php" page extension, and to delete from the server any "contact.html" pages previously published in order to prevent page conflicts with the correct "contact.php" page)
Please review the Tutorial for details.
If you are using another script from another 3rd party, you must paste the HTML scripting into a BV HTML Box.
Please review this Tutorial for details on how to add HTML to your BV Page.
Re: Question about using submit button(code appears on top of screen when i publish p
Sorry, but I'm pretty sure you still don't get it ...
1. You must use all lower-case letters without using any blank/white spaces or symbols when naming your pages in BlueVoda. You are currently using Capital letters, which is why your Directory Index shows all the images and pages but not the website itself.
> How To Name and Save Your Pages
2. You must SAVE each page in BlueVoda prior to publishing, for BlueVoda automatically formats the page file type for you so it can properly be un-encrypted by the server during the Publish process itself. You must not manually "re-name" the pages with the ".bvp" format as ".html" or as ".php" whatsoever.
> How To Save Your BlueVoda Pages
* When using BV12, you must not use the SAVE PAGE AS method to duplicate pages or to "re-name" pages, even if importing Pages or Page HTML into BlueVoda (all of which will require re-coding, re-configuration, or simply adding new to the page), as this will conflict with how the new coding of BV12 is written and result in ill-formatted or dysfunctional elements on your pages (especially if attempting to use the "BV PHP Include" or the "Single Page Menu BV + PHP" method, either of which is no longer usable). Instead, create a page template or use the CLONE method and proceed to manually embed each dynamic element (Menu, scripts, etc.) onto the page using the COPY+PASTE method, making sure each element is uniquely added to the page before you Save it and Publish. Also important is to name each image uniquely for each page, and to not embed (Paste) universally the same image with the same Title.
3. You must PUBLISH your BlueVoda created pages using the Command or Icon from within BlueVoda only ... you must not "upload" a ".bvp" page to the server or any page you improperly 're-named' as a ".html" or as a .php" page... since they are a generated page by BlueVoda that is encrypted, it is impossible to un-encrypt unless you use this proprietary process, for only a VodaHost server will un-encrypt the pages and re-write as a HTML or a PHP page, whichever has been configured to be the end result format. This is why you see your pages without the proper formatting and function if you click on one of your improperly named and uploaded pages in the presently visible Directory Index listing.
> How To Publish Your BlueVoda Pages
4. Acceptable Page Width according to current standards is 984 pixels maximum, unless using a fluid page design. At 1250x1750, your background image is far too wide to display properly being set as the image on your page at the bottom-most layer: you should re-size the background image to 1750x1750 (1750 pixels wide is sufficient to display properly in all visitor monitor resolution settings) and add it only via the required method included in BlueVoda:
PAGE PROPERTIES > FORMATTING > BACKGROUND > "Image" > (use Browse to select corrected image file on your system to upload)
Because you added your background image as a layer in your Page Design rather than via the Page Properties uploading method, your entire page is thrown off as it attempts to follow the "Center in Browser" configuration. Re-designing your pages using the proper method to define your dynamic background (rather than a static image) will correct this error.
AGAIN ... you need to familiarize yourself completely with the required methods and the manner in which you use BlueVoda if you are to be successful and unpenalized, just as outlined in detail by the Video Tutorials. There's no excuse for doing otherwise, and no shortcuts to online success ...
Question about how to save forms into a database
vodahost login:skylinec
Hi I have a question. I am currently using bluevoda and when you go to form properties, it is asking for information that I do not know how to fill out the database tab.
For the server I placed in local host.
database is the database name that i created.
username is skylinec
password is my login password
table is the table name
For some reason this does not work and even more code appears on top of the page. Can someone tell me why?
Thank You
Re: Question about how to save forms into a database
You have already seen the reply above to your previous post?
In BlueVoda FORM PROPERTIES I have never seen a "database tab" nor have ever been asked/required to enter any information whatsoever.
Please take a screenshot of the FORM PROPERTIES Dialog you refer to, publish the screenshot as a single image to a basic BV web page to your account, and provide a URL to that published page so we may take a look at whatever it is you are seeing. This should take you all of 5 minutes to provide the information that will allow an intelligent reply ...
* If you are trying to upload a PDF or a document to the server to make available to visitors as a download, you can upload to your public_html/ directory via your cPanel > FILE MANAGER
or by using the simple tool within BlueVoda itself from the Toolbar: TOOLS > FTP Manager
> TUTORIAL: How To Use BlueFTP
Re: Question about using submit button(code appears on top of screen when i publish p
Re: Question about using submit button(code appears on top of screen when i publish p
Sorry! I do not use BV12 nor would I use this newer feature as such: I would instead create a simple eMail FORM "application" so I could get it quickly rather than as a result of a redundant message created and "stored" in a DB.
You have enabled all the normal permissions and settings for the standard email processing, and will be publishing the page as PHP, correct?
I suppose you'll have to wait for a reply from another more familiar with this particular aspect of BV12.
Re: Question about using submit button(code appears on top of screen when i publish p
for the simple email FORM, how do you know you use bluevoda to apply this setting?
Im sorry for being annoying its just that i have tried to make this work with the best of my ability its just not working the way i want it to
Re: Question about using submit button(code appears on top of screen when i publish p
For a simple eMail FORM you do not bother with this at all - leave it all blank or as defaulted ... merely complete the actions detailed in the Tutorial, and that's it: this built-in feature is an interface for those using a DB for managing documents, transactions, etc., and as far as I can tell, is far beyond your requirements (and likely ability).
Your eMail FORM can be made to look like an application (with as many questions and answer Fields as you wish), but the function is that all the entered information will be transmitted to you as an email - which does not require a DB or other added functions ... and after transmitting (submitting the application), it would be good to have the traditional "Success" page appear for the Sender to confirm submission, just as shown in the Tutorial.
* Also be sure to have an accessible Policy (generally as a link in the footer on every page to the Policy page or section) describing how you assure compliance to protect the information you receive, either individually as a Privacy policy or a general Policy with an Applications section, or unified as a omnibus Policy. Being hosted in the US, this is required by law any time you handle personal, financial, or consumer information per the Patriot and Identity Protection Acts.
Again ... review the Tutorial and apply the principles and only the settings shown to your own customized "form"!
It's really not supposed get to be this complicated.
setup phpmyadmin in bluevoda 12
Hi my website is http://www.skylinecustomguitars.com
Username: skylinec
I would like to ask if there is anyway to automatically send form information to my phpmyadmin database.
I created a table name employee_information_01 on a database named skylinec_forminfo. I was wondering if I need any other supporting software or code in addition to what bluevoda has to make this work for me.
Here is a screenshot http://www.skylinecustomguitars.com/screenshot.html
Thank you
Re: setup phpmyadmin in bluevoda 12
I really don't think you know what you're getting into, but, there's a whole set of Tutorials for that!
First things first: you must first create and properly configure a Database before you can configure functions directed to the Database!
You do not use the BlueVoda Web Builder to configure phpMyAdmin, but a browser you have installed on your computer following the detailed instructions outlined in the Tutorials: