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  • keywords

    hi there
    i recently went onto my webmasters tools on google to see how my websites keywords are performing as my website has disapeared from the search results all together i used to be on page 1 in 2nd place now not even in the first 20 pages
    i recently re did my site but didnt alter the keywords and metatags but for some reason my top key words are gif png and jpg
    all of my images are named so i dont know why the file type is ranking as my top keywords ?
    really could do with some expert advice ?
    many thanks

  • #2
    Re: keywords

    This is easily found simply Searching the Forum > > Webmaster Tools stats show common phrases such as "gif png"?

    Keep in mind also:
    1. All keywords must be anchored in naturally composed Page Content and your pages lack any such satisfactory Content to contribute to Relevancy, even in the slightest manner or expectation: with your site being so "image-heavy" (and those images not possibly not properly formatted or optimized, OR, finding the images the only properly formatted elements and no corresponding Content), Google is attempting to decipher some Relevance construct, and simply finding not enough compliant elements.
    2. If creating strategy using KW, ALT Text, Image and Page Titles, and Navigation, be sure to follow the Rules for each.
    3. Using a Country-specific Domain will significantly limit your ability to develop favorable SERP (Search Engine Results page) position on the WWW compared to SERP position on the local Hub (in this case, the ""), where there is more relevance and particular Search Inquiry typically originates from.

    These are simple Basics ....
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *

