new computer

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  • eribbit69
    Second Lieutenant

    • Oct 2005
    • 107

    new computer

    the computer I have by site builder on is not doing very well. When I get a new one I will have to download the site buillder again from Bluevoda How do I get my site and all of its hyperlinks etc to the builder again?
    Several years ago when I bought a new computer I was told to import all of my pages from the web but that "import" didn't have the hyperlinks or anything with it...just the "picture" of my page...How do I recover a functioning website in the buiklder?
    thank you for your help...I'd like to understand this before I loost everything again
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: new computer

    If you are using BV12 or a later version, by default a copy of the original ".bvp" file is automatically uploaded to the server as a backup in case your system crashes, making it easier to retrieve original page files as they were designed.

    If you changed the settings to prevent this auto-backup or if your version of BlueVoda does not have this capability (verify auto-backups by viewing the presence of ".bvp" files in your "public_html/" directory easily via BlueFTP), you
    must instead IMPORT pages using the method outlined in the Tutorial and precisely apply the insights mentioned here.

    PS: Just as a matter of observed improper syntax .... in your site, you improperly use the term "fluent" (meaning proficient or advanced understanding - especially language, ie: "He is fluent in five languages.") when I suspect you more likely intended to use "fluid" (as to infer flowing, borderless, changing, ie: "The fluid design compliments various styles.") insofar as you are describing objects. As long as you will be 'rebuilding' and updating your pages, I suggest you use this same opportunity to edit away from the use of "fluent" before re-Publishing and to run your other page Content through a simple editor such as SpellCheck in Word to catch any other obvious composition or spelling errors that might be corrected just as easily ...
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *

