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It appears to be a stats counter script call .Remove it or include the js file in domain structure as it interferes with image rollover scripts being used by your subdomain
To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research!
I had a similar problem with a subdomian... If all else fails you may have to remove the subdomian in your cpanel subdomian manager in public_html delete beeskidzworld folder then go back to subdomians and create the subdomian beeskidzworld all over agian if all else fails
What is a stats counter script....where do I find it...what does it look like and finally how do I include it in the domain structure (the main or sub-domain structure)...
Christobal...Ok to make things easy, I've put my entire html page for the index page for the subdomain below. Does this help at all in telling you how I might have messed up?
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<TITLE>Beez World</TITLE>
<META name="AUTHOR" content="B. Gudapati">
<META name="KEYWORDS" content="Education, schoolwork,homework,projects,k-12,cxc,gce,grades,grade levels, educational institutions,learning,books,teaching,homework helper,artwork,music,geography,discovery,online courses,colleg, collegebound,world events, ">
<META name="DESCRIPTION" content="This website is for children of all school ages. It has information on places to go to get homework help, a forum to communicate with other students about schoolwork and school life in general. It is intended to help educate in a safe and child friendly environment with minimal supervsion from parents. The page also has places for parents to visit and learn about children in other parts of the world and educational systems elswhere. We have a section devoted to higlighting schools from different parts of the world and what they are doing to make their students more productive no matter their learning level or background.">
<META name="GENERATOR" content="Created by BlueVoda">
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
function SwapImage()
var doc=document, args=arguments;
doc.$imgSwaps = new Array();
for(var i=2; i<args.length; i+=2)
var elem=FindObject(args[i]);
<A href=""><IMG src="Ani.Bee7 (2).jpg" alt="" align="top" border="0" width="106" height="103" style="position:absolute;left:548px;top:82px;width :106px;height:103px;z-index:2"></A>
<DIV style="position:absolute;left:370px;top:341px;widt h:252px;height:16px;z-index:3" align="left">
<A href=""><IMG src="bee4.gif" alt="" align="top" border="0" width="40" height="44" style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:91px;width:4 0px;height:44px;z-index:4"></A>
<DIV style="position:absolute;left:259px;top:206px;widt h:364px;height:16px;z-index:5" align="left">
<DIV style="position:absolute;left:372px;top:253px;widt h:456px;height:330px;z-index:6" align="center">
<FONT style="FONT-SIZE:14pt" color="#009300" face="Papyrus"><B>WELCOME TO BEEZ KIDZ WORLD<BR>
This area was created for kidz of all ages. <BR>
Parents check out the site and then leave the kidz to their fun.<BR>
There's the <A href="">Buzz Now</A> area for funfacts on lots of interesting things.<BR>
There's a <A href="">Story Time </A>section which will be updated every month with a new story.<BR>
Check out the <A href="">Artz Page</A> for pictures done by other kidz and then send in your own to be placed in the <A href="">Guest Artist</A> section.</B></FONT>
<DIV style="position:absolute;left:317px;top:814px;widt h:569px;height:48px;z-index:7" align="center">
<FONT style="FONT-SIZE:14pt" color="#8B0000" face="Tempus Sans ITC"><B>This website is still under construction BUT feel free to take a look and put it in your favorites.</B></FONT>
<DIV style="position:absolute;left:990px;top:780px;widt h:130px;height:63px;z-index:8" align="left">
<IMG SRC=" ooksearch2" BORDER="0" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="1" NOSAVE >
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="sourceid" VALUE="41613475" >
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="categoryid" VALUE="rn_booksearch">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="bfmid" VALUE="2181" >
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="120" border="0">
<tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#FF9900" align="right"><a href=" page"><img src="" width=120 height=30 alt="" border="0"></a></td>
<tr><font face="ARIAL, HELVETICA" size="-2">
<td align="center" colspan="2" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FF9900"><input type="text" name="userInput" size="13"></font></td>
<tr><td height="30"align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FF9900"><font size=-2 face="helvetica, arial, ms sans serif, sans-serif">
<select name=choice>
<option value=keywordsearch>Keyword
<option value=titlesearch>Title
<option value=authorsearch>Author
</select></font></td><td height="30" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FF9900" align="center"><input type=image src="" border="0" height="24" width="24"></td></tr>
<DIV style="position:absolute;left:5px;top:298px;width: 219px;height:359px;z-index:9" align="left">
<A href=""><IMG src="bv01156.gif" alt="" border="0" width="219" height="359"></A>
<A href=""><IMG src="Picture 10.jpg" alt="" align="top" border="0" width="101" height="75" style="position:absolute;left:66px;top:324px;width :101px;height:75px;z-index:10"></A>
<DIV style="position:absolute;left:15px;top:409px;width :201px;height:180px;z-index:11" align="center">
<FONT style="FONT-SIZE:11pt" color="#000000" face="Comic Sans MS">Hi...this is a picture of me working hard...ok not so hard. <BR>
I hope you enjoy everything here and will let me know what else you want to see added. <BR>
Now go take a peek at the other pages</FONT>
<DIV style="position:absolute;left:900px;top:191px;widt h:291px;height:475px;z-index:12" align="left">
<A href=""><IMG src="bv01175.gif" alt="" border="0" width="291" height="475"></A>
<DIV style="position:absolute;left:904px;top:267px;widt h:279px;height:64px;z-index:13" align="center">
<FONT style="FONT-SIZE:18pt" color="#FF6820" face="Curlz MT"><B><I>STORY TIME with Bee Bee</I></B></FONT>
<A href=""><IMG src="bookwithcandle.gif" alt="" align="top" border="0" width="99" height="64" style="position:absolute;left:995px;top:196px;widt h:99px;height:64px;z-index:14"></A>
<DIV style="position:absolute;left:561px;top:193px;widt h:77px;height:11px;z-index:15" align="left">
<a href='ror.xml'><img src='' width='80' height='15' border='0' alt='ROR'/></a>
I have no idea on the whole scrip thing...I'll go look at my original and see if that is how it is in the others. Also I noticed that the script seems to be carrying certain htmls that I had originally used but edited I used artspage.html but changed it to artz.html...could that be causing problems?
Ok checked the spaces between gifs but it must be the posting causing that because they look fine in both my index html dialog boxes. Thank god...I was not looking forward to having to fix each one of those.
Try building the site from scratch with a new BlueVoda file they might work... I'm really not sure whats causing the problem but I had a similar incident and had to recreate the subdomian to fix the problem I dont know why
I eliminated file from public_html. Recreated the whole file again and even deleted the subdomain and added it again. At wits end now and well...I'm looking to the gods for help now. I guess I'll submit a ticket to the vodahost folks....i know should have done that while I was checking here too....
If anyone has got anything else they can think of...I open to all matter how crazy they sound...just remember to put in simple language ...'explain it to me like I'm a four year old'...thanks
Take from a blank untitled BlueVoda file and put one piece at a time on the page. Like one pic then publish the next pic then publich then the bttons then publish do each piece like that until the site goes into ruins then you might just find a single piece of evidence as to why
Then after find piece delete from the cpanel folders it and dont publish that corrupt picture agian
I eliminated file from public_html. Recreated the whole file again and even deleted the subdomain and added it again. At wits end now and well...I'm looking to the gods for help now. I guess I'll submit a ticket to the vodahost folks....i know should have done that while I was checking here too....
If anyone has got anything else they can think of...I open to all matter how crazy they sound...just remember to put in simple language ...'explain it to me like I'm a four year old'...thanks
actualy all your file are there, if you load through you will see them but you can not view through, and that is the mystery.I don't know if you have tried this:
delete all the file on beezkidzworld directory include the beezkidzworld folder itself, then delete also the subdomain beezkidzworld in contol panel and now create again this sub domain and re publish your page. and see if this is working, if not i have no idea other than suggest you to contact support.
Hi Beezzz,
Your problem is not a 404 but a 403. For some reason your folder is prohibited to browsing.
if you like, provide me with your loggin info and i'll look at your problem. If you do wish so, use My Form to send me the info (IP, username, password)
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