Hi, I'm new here. Recently got bluevoda, started creating my webpage, and found that it's really easy with bluevoda. Thumbs up.
My webpage is basically a non-commercial website. http://www.red-n-blue.net/ I intend to implement a blogging-like feature for my own use in the webpage. However, Wordpress, mySQL and whatnot are things I just do not have time for.
Recently, I have noticed that blogger.com offers the option to host your own blog on the ftp server of your website host. This gives my blog the domain name of my website instead of "name.blogger.com/". I was wondering whether it is possible to host the blog on my ftp, and how would I go about this.
I have tried a couple of times, and blogger.com even said that my blog was successfully published. Yet, when I look in the ftp server, I do not see any files related to my blog. I don't know what i'm doing wrong or right. Anyone can give me some insight to this?
All help appreciated. Thanks alot.
My webpage is basically a non-commercial website. http://www.red-n-blue.net/ I intend to implement a blogging-like feature for my own use in the webpage. However, Wordpress, mySQL and whatnot are things I just do not have time for.
Recently, I have noticed that blogger.com offers the option to host your own blog on the ftp server of your website host. This gives my blog the domain name of my website instead of "name.blogger.com/". I was wondering whether it is possible to host the blog on my ftp, and how would I go about this.
I have tried a couple of times, and blogger.com even said that my blog was successfully published. Yet, when I look in the ftp server, I do not see any files related to my blog. I don't know what i'm doing wrong or right. Anyone can give me some insight to this?
All help appreciated. Thanks alot.