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I have a question also. I think my page is looking ok. But I would like to know is can someone please tell me how to put a pop up copywrited image Internet Explorer box up right before someone inters your site? Its like a pop up box that let you know that the images on my website are copywrited and to not copy without a written consent from website owner
"Why try hard to fit in....When you were born to stand out!"
the slide show idea can be found at - its a free and easy program i used it at - also with Jalbum and Porta (both free) you can add watermarks to your pictures -
HOnestly there is no sure way to protect your images unles you do both, disable right click and grey out source option in the view menu, but even then, the print screen option is still available..
The only way is to put a strong warning on your pages:
example: "if you are a priate and about to steale my valuable collection of images, I will send gangsters to scratch your face and put your eyes out with screw drivers and burn your tonsiles with a red hot spoon then drill your head with 3/8" bit and pour acid in your scull, then take pictures of you dead and send them to your uncle after we shoot his dog... Enjoy browing our website".
HOnestly there is no sure way to protect your images unles you do both, disable right click and grey out source option in the view menu, but even then, the print screen option is still available..
The only way is to put a strong warning on your pages:
example: "if you are a priate and about to steale my valuable collection of images, I will send gangsters to scratch your face and put your eyes out with screw drivers and burn your tonsiles with a red hot spoon then drill your head with 3/8" bit and pour acid in your scull, then take pictures of you dead and send them to your uncle after we shoot his dog... Enjoy browing our website".
Hey - I think I'll use this warning! Good one Ez ez!