Page size/page properties - doesn't fit when I preview

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  • Rita
    Private First Class

    • Jun 2006
    • 9

    Page size/page properties - doesn't fit when I preview

    Hello all,

    I've run into a tiny snag. I know when I start a new page, that I need to set page properties. When I add the template, that goes fine except when I preview it. That's when I notice that there's white space on the left of the screen. How do I size it so that it shows up correctly - without the white space. I want the page to fit within the screen. I don't want people to have to scroll left to right. Is there a standard page size? Also, what are targets - they ask for them when making a nav. bar?

    Thank you!

  • Andy128
    Major General

    • Dec 2005
    • 2317

    Re: Page size/page properties - doesn't fit when I preview

    Hello Rita,

    Setting the page to 800 width is your best bet along with centering the page in the browser. If your page is not centered- you will get a space usually on the right side. If you are getting space on the left- make sure that all your elements are within the 800 width and the template is butted up against the left side.

    In the navigation bar- you can leave the target empty as it will default to opening the new page in the same browser window. Targets are simply a feature that allow you to open pages in a different manner. Click the link below and then go to the naviation bar "Target Explained" and it will show you and give an example. THere is also a video tutorial that shows how to manage page alignment- click on the Video Tutorials navigation button for these.

    Hope all that helps,

    PHP- is a blast!


    • Rita
      Private First Class

      • Jun 2006
      • 9

      Re: Page size/page properties - doesn't fit when I preview

      Oops, I meant the white space is on the right. (I'm a little right/left dyslexic.) Does the info still apply? I remember seeing the center button - I'll click that when I go to set it up, and I did drag the template so that it butts up against the left side. Do I need to drag the template out to the right or not?

      Thank you so much for the help. I really appreciate it!



      • Andy128
        Major General

        • Dec 2005
        • 2317

        Re: Page size/page properties - doesn't fit when I preview

        If the template's width is 800 then the template should be aligned all the way to the left. That way it is centered. If it is an odd size- simply align it in the center of your work grid (using the ruler on the top and the page width border as per the video).

        Keep in mind that your setting of 800 width is appealing to the least common denominator. Therefore -if your screen is set at a higher resolution, when you preview there will be white space on either side. That is ok though- perfectly acceptable. Much prefered than having to
        scroll from side to side.

        As a rule- just before you publish, check that the width is 800 and then publish. As you move content about your page, if it goes out of the 800 width, BV program automatically adjusts the page size. Even though you moved your picture back inside the 800 width, it will have changed. Therefore- check before publish.

        PHP- is a blast!

