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Try cutting & pasting this script between the dotted lines into you html box. NOT the dotted lines.
<title>Creates TIMEDATE STAMP for WEB PAGES BY htpp://</title>
<body bgcolor="ffffff">
<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">
<!-- Hiding from those old Browsers
// Y2K READY-USE GetFullYear
// DAY Names Javascript is funny Starts the numbering with Zero this array translates to 0...6 to the days of the week
// REMEMBER Arrays have to be written all on ONE(1) line to work
var stampdays = new Array( "Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday" ,"Friday","Saturday");
// Month Names - Guess what this array does. 0..11 to the system clock month
var stampmonths = new Array( "January","February","March","April","May","June", "July","August","September","October","November"," December");
// GRABS the Date info from your System clock when your Browser reads enters the page.
var thedate = new Date();
//Gets the Translated Arrays written to the webpage for viewing. Remember you can use this for other things, too
document.write(stampdays[ thedate.getDay()] + ", " + stampmonths[ thedate.getMonth()] + " " + thedate.getDate() + ", " + thedate.getFullYear());
// -->
And ummmmm, what is my html box? Is that something in the page properties html, or is that the box I get from the html icon on the left side tools bar? How does the position of that box affect the outcome. How do I position and format the time stamp?
Did you visit the tutorials?
HTML is the first funny little icon on the left of your BlueVoda screen, if by chance it is not there, try Insert>Advanced>HTML from the top menu. You got it right on your home page.
Your own creativity will determine where you position your elements on your page, keep in mind page width and keeping it user friendly.
I had visited that tutorial, but the tutorial should be more complete. It gives no hint what is going on except that you open this box and insert your html code. To a newbie like me, it is really bare bones.
I have the date stamp in plain black letters. Can I control format such as color, font, size? Is there a list of other utilities such as this one availabe somewhere?
Your welcome, yes you can control color and font, etc. look at the first lines and there will be something like:
<FONT style="font-size:13px" color="#000000"
sometimes followed by the font type. For a list of some colors go to: