When I add new copy to my index page the new copy will not publish or preview. I can edit old copy and it will preview and publish but any new adds such as jpeg's or new text additions will not. This morning I found 4 myadminphp searches by 4 different ip's. is there a possiblity that My site has been hacked and redirected.
Preview problems
Re: Preview problems
What is your url - website name?
Did you save after your changes?
Re: Preview problems
Your site looks OK to me....and I was not redirected in any way, so I think that you will have to look at other reasons why new copy is not being seen.
Check by pressing f5 a few times after publishing...its posible that your browser is showing you the cached pages..........
btw: Our sites seem to be in the same line of work.
Good luck with your site.
Re: Preview problems
I know the site looks fine. It can be accessed through a web search or through blue voda. new additions to other pages in the site load and can be previewed and published without problems. The index page is the only one that doesn't allow any "new content" to be published or previewed. Anything that was published prior to today can be edited, republished, changed, added to, etc, If I try to add anything completely new ie; a picture, open a new text box, or any other html, banner, flash, additions, it will neither show on the preview or show after publishing. it is as though anything I add is not being written to the page even though it shows in the page html. I can't figure it out
Re: Preview problems
If you wish, you can send me your index.bvp page as an attachment and I will publish it to my site....if it works after I add a new picture then this will point the fault at your computer...if it dosnt work then we will have to explore futher....
You can get my email address by clicking on my username above.....