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pages not linking together when published

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  • pages not linking together when published

    ok I've got a couple of pages up and running
    just the index page and contact page. but I cant go back and forth with just these two.
    is this somthing to do with 'target' part of the menu bar. should I be choosing
    blank, self, parent ect.
    Or am I looking in the wrong place.

  • #2
    Re: pages not linking together when published

    Hi. One thing I noticed when I went to the contact page,
    then selected 'home', the link shows:
    I think you need to change the link in properties on that 'home' bar to read:
    then re-publish the page.
    The other pages appear to either not be published, or in the wrong place on the server,
    or have the wrong file name. If you go to 'ladies' , did you save and publish as it as 'ladies'?
    Brad Arnold.......

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    • #3
      pages not linking together when published....cnt

      thanks brad that worked. its usually a spelling mistake.
      I've loaded up the ladies page now (doing this 1 by 1) now this wont appear. It would be great if you could help.

      hot and humid.
      Goa. India.


      • #4
        Re: pages not linking together when published

        I see you are having a similar problem to me Sparklingteam.

        This is a continuation from a forum thread I created in 'General Issues'
        I only have 2 pages viewing out of 6.

        Well,this is almost into the 23rd hour,and still I only have 2 pages which are viewable to me.
        I am so sorry if I am going on but I am so frustrated,I want to see how this site will do before I decide to go ahead with another one or not,as the case may be.
        I know patience is a virtue,but it is definately a virtue I was born without.
        Gary(a.k.a. Shabu)

