a very dumb, but urgent question

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  • montsa007
    Private First Class

    • Mar 2007
    • 7

    a very dumb, but urgent question

    i downloaded bv from my *** 2day,i'll install it in 2-3 days,meanwhile i want to know following things(please note i dont know about php,html,sql and all that stuff)
    1-i have php scripts(many of them as i download watever i see) i wanted to ask can i install them on my SUBDOMAIN thru bv?
    2-the instructions say this
    Download the archive.
    Upload the files from the archive to your server. Upload all the files in BINARY mode only.
    Create the database.
    Update config/config.php and change dbNAME, dbUSER, dbPASS and dbHOST, put your PageAddress, PageTitle, AdminMail and PartnersTitle (for your banner code at the partners page).
    Create a confirm.txt file in the root of your script's directory and set 777 permissions for it if you want to log all automatic e-gold transactions.
    Change the permissions of images and gfx directories and all files in them so they can be writable by the web server.

    chmod -R 777 images gfx
    chown -R <your_webserver_user_name>
    images gfx
    If you plan to use mode_rewrite check the .htaccess file and correct RewriteBase if necessary. For example, if your script is not in the DocumentRoot of your server, then change /. Suppose your script is accessed by: http://your.domain.com/some_dir/hyip_script then substitute

    RewriteBase /
    RewriteBase /some_dir/hyip_script
    is it possible to do it thru bv?
    3-i am still confused on what topic to make my website,i really appreciate your advise
    4-if i have uploaded all files in my server can i shift them to a new folder?
    thanks in advance
  • Mook25
    Brigadier General

    • Oct 2005
    • 1427

    Re: a very dumb, but urgent question

    No question is dumb on this forum monsta007. Ask as many as you wish!!

    Firstly yes you can install the script to your subdomain and then create a database... very easy to do in cpanel which you'll have access to when you have a hosting account with voda and if at a later date you want them to be in another folder you will have to update the database so that it knows where to find the correct folder. If this is not done the database will continue looking for the old folder which will not be there anymore.

    I believe that you can install the script via blue ftp which, if i remember correctly, is built into blue voda. (correct me if i'm wrong Voda)

    As to what topic to make your website, what are you looking to do?? Selling?? personal?? Before we can advise you need to have some idea of what you wnat to do.

    As you say you are starting out in the web field you may want to take a look at some articles I have available at my free resource site here.
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