php mail function

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  • pipesportugal
    Second Lieutenant

    • Jul 2007
    • 130

    php mail function

    Hello Everyone at the VH forum,

    When I use this mail function:
    PHP Code:
    $my_email 'LUSOPIPE <>';
    $extra "From: $meu_email\r\n";
    $recipient  "$email_tosendto";
    mail ($recipient$subject$message$extra); 
    to send automatic emails on my php program, people are receiving emails saying:

    ***** in name of LUSOPIPE []

    ***** is my control panel username. is my domain name (one of).

    How can I avoid the:
    ***** in name of....

    Thanks in advance,
    Last edited by Karen Mac; 10-17-2008, 06:16 AM. Reason: posted control panel user name
  • navaldesign
    General & Forum Moderator

    • Oct 2005
    • 12080

    Re: php mail function

    Only way: use PHP mailer that sends mails directly through Sendmail. Or any other mailer that performs SMTP authentication (Zend Mailer, Swift Mailer)
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    • dwill525

      • Oct 2008
      • 3

      Re: php mail function

      I have my scripts rewrite the From to I believe it is possible. I do see a typo in the code though

      $my_email = 'LUSOPIPE <>';
      $extra = "From: $meu_email\r\n"
      --- should be ----
      $extra = "From: $my_email\r\n";
      $recipient = "$email_tosendto";
      mail ($recipient, $subject, $message, $extra);


      • navaldesign
        General & Forum Moderator

        • Oct 2005
        • 12080

        Re: php mail function

        Mails generated by php scripts will have as "From" header whatever email address you provide, BUT in the mail properties it will ALWAYS be visible the server from which the mail comes from.

        Instead, sending through PHP Mailer or ZEND Mailer or Swift Mailer, with SMTP authentication, will result in the mail apearing as coming from your domain (instead of voda??.voda??.com)
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        • pipesportugal
          Second Lieutenant

          • Jul 2007
          • 130

          Re: php mail function


          Regarding the typing mistake, in my program I had it fixed.

          It's just that I translated my variable names to english, in order to who ever would read the thread to be able understand me. That one escaped me.

          Regarding the navaldesign's php mailer suggestion, I have been looking at for this class and it seems a little bit more complicated than what I can handle, but I will try it though.



          • navaldesign
            General & Forum Moderator

            • Oct 2005
            • 12080

            Re: php mail function

            PHP Mailer is not that complicated once you read the instructions.
            The new ABVFP version uses PHP Mailer to send mails and i asure you it only takes an hr or so to get used to it.
            Logger Lite: Low Cost, Customizable, multifeatured Login script
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            • pipesportugal
              Second Lieutenant

              • Jul 2007
              • 130

              Re: php mail function

              Hi naval,

              I read at the swift mailer website the following:

              "The only other popular alternative was PHPMailer which is no longer in active development, limited in support, lacking in modern features such as TLS and difficult to interface with."

              A lot based on these words I am now making tests ang going into swift direction. If I am not sucessfull with it, I'll change my course to PHPmailer then.

              I am geting a lot of parse errors while implementing this swift mailer class.

              $smtp = new Swift_Connection_SMTP("", 25);
              $swift = new Swift($smtp);

              What should I place instead of the ??
              a) (the sender is
              b) ?

              Thanks in advance for the help,


              • pipesportugal
                Second Lieutenant

                • Jul 2007
                • 130

                Re: php mail function

                Hi, I was veing a little silly,

                Why asking and not testing instead ?

                Well, the results were:
                neither choices have worked !

                Any ideas ?



                • navaldesign
                  General & Forum Moderator

                  • Oct 2005
                  • 12080

                  Re: php mail function

                  Originally posted by pipesportugal View Post
                  Hi naval,

                  I read at the swift mailer website the following:

                  "The only other popular alternative was PHPMailer which is no longer in active development, limited in support, lacking in modern features such as TLS and difficult to interface with."
                  Not true, phpmailer is in avtive development, the last release was November 20 2008. And it has a lot more features than what you might need unless you want to create a true, full scale, mail management script,

                  I use phpmailer, find it more immediate.

                  I am geting a lot of parse errors while implementing this swift mailer class.

                  $smtp = new Swift_Connection_SMTP("", 25);
                  $swift = new Swift($smtp);

                  What should I place instead of the ??
                  a) (the sender is
                  b) ?
                  IF it works like phpmailer, it should be:

                  $smtp = new Swift_Connection_SMTP("localhost", 25);
                  $smtp->setUsername("youremail address used for sending smtp mail");
                  $smtp->setpassword("the password used for the specific email address");
                  $swift = new Swift($smtp);

                  I usually have these details in a separate config.file, so it becomes:

                  $smtp = new Swift_Connection_SMTP($smtp_host, 25);
                  $swift = new Swift($smtp);
                  Logger Lite: Low Cost, Customizable, multifeatured Login script
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                  • pipesportugal
                    Second Lieutenant

                    • Jul 2007
                    • 130

                    Re: php mail function

                    Hi naval thanks for replying,

                    It's working perfect now with the PHPmailer, except for the fact that all the returns on the text are not showing on the other side (at least at Microsoft Outlook).

                    It seems like the PHPmailer class has "eaten" the "\n" that I've put at the $message variable.

                    This is the code:
                    PHP Code:
                    $mail = new PHPMailer();  
                    $mail->IsSMTP();  // telling the class to use SMTP  
                    $mail->Host     "localhost"// SMTP server  
                    $mail->SMTPAuth true;     // turn on SMTP authentication
                    $mail->Username "";  // SMTP username
                    $mail->Password "------"// SMTP password
                    $meu_email2 '';
                    $mail->From     $meu_email2;  
                    $mail->FromName "my".$companyname;
                    $mail->AddAddress("$p_emladm_parametro");                  // name is optional
                    $mail->WordWrap 50;                                 // set word wrap to 50 characters
                    //$mail->AddAttachment("/var/tmp/file.tar.gz");         // add attachments
                    //$mail->AddAttachment("/tmp/image.jpg", "new.jpg");    // optional name
                    $mail->IsHTML(true);                                  // set email format to HTML (i also tried the false word but still nothing...
                    $mail->Subject $subject;
                    $mail->Body    $message;
                    $mail->AltBody $message;
                    if(!$mail->Send()) {  
                    "<script>window.alert('EMAIL NOT SEND ...ERROR: ".$mail->ErrorInfo."!')</script>"); 
                    Also the include email_body:

                    PHP Code:
                    $subject "Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla ";
                    $message  "AUTOMATIC EMAIL:\n";
                    $message .= "\nComercial: $scr_nome_vendedor,\n";
                    $message .= "\nFez a sua entrada N. ";
                    $message .= $visitas_totais;
                    $message .= " em MyLusopipe, a entidade com os seguintes dados:\n";
                    $message .= "\nNome da Entidade: $scr_nome_entidade";
                    $message .= "\nPessoa de Contacto: $scr_con0_entidade";
                    $message .= "\nTelemovel Contacto: $scr_tlmv0_entidade\n";
                    $message .= "\n$minha_empresa\n"
                    As You can see there are a lot of \n that theoretically should insert a CR on the line, instead everything is appearing at the email on M.Outlook on the same line. It's very confusing to read.

                    I will keep on making more experiences, but in the meanwhile if there is something that You can immediately see under Your experienced programmer eyes, that could solve this issue, I would very much appreciate all the help.



                    • navaldesign
                      General & Forum Moderator

                      • Oct 2005
                      • 12080

                      Re: php mail function

                      Since your mail is plain text, you should be using :

                      $mail -> IsHTML(false);

                      For the new line issue, it is simple:

                      $mail->Body = nl2br($message);
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                      • pipesportugal
                        Second Lieutenant

                        • Jul 2007
                        • 130

                        Re: php mail function

                        Beatiful naval,

                        Works just as I wanted to.

                        Thanks a lot.

