Hi there,
Could you please tell me what is wrong with this php code? It is copied from an O'reilly PHP book, but when i place it in my browser, i get an error message on the 7th or 8th lines.
Thanks much for your help,
Could you please tell me what is wrong with this php code? It is copied from an O'reilly PHP book, but when i place it in my browser, i get an error message on the 7th or 8th lines.
PHP Code:
header("content-type: image/png");
$image = imagecreate(400,300);
$gold = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 240, 00);
$white = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
$color = $white;
for ($i = 400, $j = 300; $i > 0; $i -= 4, $j -= 3) {
if ($color = = $white) {
$color = $gold;
} else {
$color = $white;
imagefilledrectangle($image, 400 - $i, 300 - $j, $i, $j, $color);