How do I determine the auto increment value

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  • Rob (SA)
    Lieutenant Colonel

    • Nov 2006
    • 586

    How do I determine the auto increment value

    Hi Folks,

    I am trying to load a table into MySql by uploading a text file.


    # Table structure for table `strokeaverages`

    CREATE TABLE `strokeaverage` (
    `ID` int(5) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `no` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
    `gender` varchar(1) NOT NULL default '',
    `surname` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',
    `name` varchar(25) NOT NULL default ",
    `concat` varchar(50) NOT NULL default ",
    `2009` varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',
    `age` varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',
    `gnsa16` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
    `d11` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d12` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d21` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d22` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d31` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d32` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d41` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d42` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d51` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d52` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d61` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d62` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d71` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d72` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d81` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d82` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d91` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d92` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d101` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d102` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d111` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d112` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d121` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d122` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d131` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `d132` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `rounds` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
    `avglowest` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
    `avgall` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
    `n11` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `n12` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `n21` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `n22` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `n23` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `n31` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `n32` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `n41` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `n42` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `n51` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `n52` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `n61` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `n62` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `sa1801` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `sa1802` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `sa1803` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `sa1804` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `sa1601` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `sa1602` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `sa1603` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `sa1604` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `sa1401` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `sa1402` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `sa1403` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `sa1404` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `sa1201` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `sa1202` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `sa1203` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `sa1204` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `gn01` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `gn02` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `gn03` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    `gn04` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
    ) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Game Organisation' AUTO_INCREMENT=22 ;

    # --------------------------------------------------------

    I have the following questions:

    How is the auto increment value determined?
    What exactly does this line do in laymans terms for the MySql to upload and be succesful?

    I am sure there is a whiz kid amoungst you that can help.

    Kind Regards
  • navaldesign
    General & Forum Moderator

    • Oct 2005
    • 12080

    Re: How do I determine the auto increment value

    The autoincrement should have no argument

    meaning that each new record takes the next number in the table.
    Logger Lite: Low Cost, Customizable, multifeatured Login script
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    • Rob (SA)
      Lieutenant Colonel

      • Nov 2006
      • 586

      Re: How do I determine the auto increment value

      Hi George,

      Thanks for the reply.

      I hope my understanding is correct and that the auto_increment = . . . does not need to be stated.

      If it is not stated does it know when to stop?
      Kind Regards


      • navaldesign
        General & Forum Moderator

        • Oct 2005
        • 12080

        Re: How do I determine the auto increment value

        Rob, i don't know whatyour understanding of MYSQl is.

        The AUTOINCREMENT statement simply says MySQL that whenever a new record is added, the column ID (in your case) should assume the first available value
        So if you have already inserted in example 20 records (which means 20 players) , in the next record (next player) the ID column will automatically have the value 21.
        As simple as that.

        So i don't really understand your question "How does it know when to stop"
        Logger Lite: Low Cost, Customizable, multifeatured Login script
        Instant Download Cart: a Powerfull, Customized, in site, DB driven, e-products Cart Forms, Databases, Shopping Carts, Instant Download Carts, Loggin Systems and more....
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        • Rob (SA)
          Lieutenant Colonel

          • Nov 2006
          • 586

          Re: How do I determine the auto increment value

          Hi George,

          My knowledge here is extremely limited.

          Trail and error as usaul.

          I was having the understanding that should there be a statement like

          INSERT INTO 'strokeaverage' VALUES (1,d11,25)
          INSERT INTO 'strokeaverage' VALUES (2,d12,26)
          INSERT INTO 'strokeaverage' VALUES (3,d21,27)

          etc etc

          the result would be that in conjunction with these files (3 off) it would have a autoincrement of 4 to now when to stop asking for new values.

          I am trying to load this info as a table to my database so maybe that info can helpyou understand where I am at
          Kind Regards


          • navaldesign
            General & Forum Moderator

            • Oct 2005
            • 12080

            Re: How do I determine the auto increment value

            An "insert" statement must specify both column names and values, unless the values passed equals the number of columns. So you above insert statements are invalid since you are passing only three values in a table that has 50 + columns.
            How would MySQL know in which column it will need to store each value ?

            And, you are not saying, is these values (in your last post) intended to be stored in the same row (player) or in different rows ?

            I'm sorry but i just can't understand what you are trying to do.
            Logger Lite: Low Cost, Customizable, multifeatured Login script
            Instant Download Cart: a Powerfull, Customized, in site, DB driven, e-products Cart
   Forms, Databases, Shopping Carts, Instant Download Carts, Loggin Systems and more....
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            • Rob (SA)
              Lieutenant Colonel

              • Nov 2006
              • 586

              Re: How do I determine the auto increment value

              Hi George,

              I have a table that i have been using in excel and that table generates stroke averages "averages" for scores that golfers have played.

              I want to create interactivity on my website that if I add a score then it will go to the table and then should I need to see the average it will appear on a prepared page.

              The info shown below is the field name that they are different.

              If there is an easier way the I would appreciate to now - as you can see it is going to take me time in the manner I am currently moving.

              I would be more than glad to send my excel apreadsheet of that would assit you.
              Kind Regards


              • Rob (SA)
                Lieutenant Colonel

                • Nov 2006
                • 586

                Re: How do I determine the auto increment value

                Hi George,

                Herewith some additional info.

                # Table structure for table `strokeaverages`
                CREATE TABLE `strokeaverage` (
                `ID` int(5) NOT NULL auto_increment,
                `no` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
                `gender` varchar(1) NOT NULL default '',
                `surname` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',
                `name` varchar(25) NOT NULL default ",
                `concat` varchar(50) NOT NULL default ",
                `2009` varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',
                `age` varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',
                `gnsa16` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
                `d11` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d12` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d21` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d22` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d31` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d32` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d41` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d42` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d51` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d52` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d61` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d62` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d71` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d72` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d81` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d82` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d91` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d92` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d101` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d102` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d111` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d112` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d121` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d122` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d131` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `d132` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `rounds` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
                `avglowest` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
                `avgall` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
                `n11` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `n12` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `n21` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `n22` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `n23` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `n31` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `n32` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `n41` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `n42` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `n51` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `n52` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `n61` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `n62` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `sa1801` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `sa1802` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `sa1803` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `sa1804` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `sa1601` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `sa1602` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `sa1603` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `sa1604` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `sa1401` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `sa1402` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `sa1403` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `sa1404` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `sa1201` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `sa1202` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `sa1203` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `sa1204` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `gn01` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `gn02` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `gn03` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                `gn04` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
                PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)
                ) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Domestic Stroke Averages' AUTO_INCREMENT=71 ;
                # --------------------------------------------------------
                # Dumping data for table `strokeaverage`
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (1,'d11', 9);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (2,'d12', 10);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (3,'d21', 11);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (4,'d22', 12);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (5,'d31',13);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (6,'d32',14);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (7,'d41', 15);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (8,'d42', 16);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (9,'d51', 17);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (10,'d52',1;
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (11,'d61',19);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (12,'d62',20);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (13,'d71',21);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (14,'d72',22);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (15,'d81',23);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (16,'d82',24);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (17,'d91',25);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (18,'d92',26);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (19,'d101',27);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (20,'d102',2;
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (21,'d121',29);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (22,'d122',30);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (23,'d131',31);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (24,'d132',32);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (25,'n11',36);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (26,'n12',37);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (27,'n21',3;
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (28,'n22',39);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (29,'n31',40);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (30,'n32',41);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (31,'n41',42);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (32,'n42',43);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (33,'n51',44);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (34,'n52',45);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (35,'n61',46);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (36,'n62',47);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (37,'sa1801',4;
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (38,'sa1802',49);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (39,'sa1803',50);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (40,'sa1804',51);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (41,'sa1601',52);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (42,'sa1602',53);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (43,'sa1603',54);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (44,'sa1604',55);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (45,'sa1401',56);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (46,'sa1402',57);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (47,'sa1403',5;
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (48,'sa1404',59);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (49,'sa1201',60);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (50,'sa1202',61);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (51,'sa1203',62);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (52,'sa1204',63);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (53,'gn01',64);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (54,'gn02',65);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (55,'gn03',66);
                INSERT INTO `strokeaverage` VALUES (56,'gn04',67);

                Posting this in phpadmin and trying to upload as a txt file creates an error

                So it is more than likely not quite correct or the file is too big
                Kind Regards


                • navaldesign
                  General & Forum Moderator

                  • Oct 2005
                  • 12080

                  Re: How do I determine the auto increment value

                  Sorry Rob, i don't have the time to do this.

                  You need to plan what the table structure will be in relationship to your excel table.

                  The simplest way i can see is that you have in both the same structure, and then, after updating the excel file, you export it in csv format wich you then import in the MySQL table through phpMyAdmin. Of course you will need to empty the table completely before you upload the updated csv. Otherwise you should also have some code that would checkthe new values and instead of "insert" ing it would "update" the table correctly.
                  Logger Lite: Low Cost, Customizable, multifeatured Login script
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                  • Rob (SA)
                    Lieutenant Colonel

                    • Nov 2006
                    • 586

                    Re: How do I determine the auto increment value

                    Hi George,

                    Thanks for the advice.

                    I have tried loading the CSV file previously but also had some problems in loading.

                    Maybe becuase I was loading it with all the data and you are saying I shouldnt do that at first.

                    Once the csv file it loaded to mySql do i then create the form to populate the data ?
                    Kind Regards


                    • navaldesign
                      General & Forum Moderator

                      • Oct 2005
                      • 12080

                      Re: How do I determine the auto increment value

                      Rob, you are confusing me.

                      If you load the data directly from your (updated) Excel csv file, what would you need a form for ?

                      I'm not yet sure what you are trying to do. Do you ONLY want to display the info ? if yes, you don't need a MySQL database. Simply create a script that will read the csv file (that you will need to upload on the site using FTP) and let the script simply display the info.

                      A MySQL table would only be needed if you wat to add single entries 8(ach tournaments results) and have MySQL in conjunction with a php script calculate averages and display them.
                      Logger Lite: Low Cost, Customizable, multifeatured Login script
                      Instant Download Cart: a Powerfull, Customized, in site, DB driven, e-products Cart
             Forms, Databases, Shopping Carts, Instant Download Carts, Loggin Systems and more....
                      Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor : No coding form processor! Just install and use! Now with built in CAPTCHA!


                      • Rob (SA)
                        Lieutenant Colonel

                        • Nov 2006
                        • 586

                        Re: How do I determine the auto increment value

                        hi George,

                        I will be uploading new tournament dat later and thus the MySql option is what we have in mind.

                        I have tried loading the csv file but error #1064 persists
                        Kind Regards


                        • navaldesign
                          General & Forum Moderator

                          • Oct 2005
                          • 12080

                          Re: How do I determine the auto increment value

                          You can't just upload a scv file. It needs to be formatted in a specific way so that it can be loaded into a pre-made table.

                          I suggest that you read some MySQL tutorials on importing csv files.
                          Logger Lite: Low Cost, Customizable, multifeatured Login script
                          Instant Download Cart: a Powerfull, Customized, in site, DB driven, e-products Cart
                 Forms, Databases, Shopping Carts, Instant Download Carts, Loggin Systems and more....
                          Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor : No coding form processor! Just install and use! Now with built in CAPTCHA!


                          • Rob (SA)
                            Lieutenant Colonel

                            • Nov 2006
                            • 586

                            Re: How do I determine the auto increment value

                            Hi George,

                            So then if i understand correctly by removing all the data form the excel spreadsheet and leaving only the titlesof each columns(field name) and saving it as csv.

                            I have read some posts in the forum.

                            I then import the saved csv file through phpadmin.

                            Or is this process even more complex?
                            Kind Regards


                            • navaldesign
                              General & Forum Moderator

                              • Oct 2005
                              • 12080

                              Re: How do I determine the auto increment value

                              The simplest way to import a csv file is this:

                              1. Create a table that has EXCACTLY the same structure (column names, type of data etc) as your Excel file.
                              2. Upload this csv file in your server.
                              3. Create a simple php script that will:
                              a. Empty the table
                              b. Read the file records
                              c. insert each csv row in a MySQL row.

                              I don't understand however: if you already have to do this work in your desktop (Excel) why do you need to insert the same dat ain your MySQl ?

                              As i said, instead of the above, the php script could simply read the CSV file (as if it was reading drom MySQL) and display the data in your page.
                              After all, a CSV file has the same structure as a MySQL table.
                              Logger Lite: Low Cost, Customizable, multifeatured Login script
                              Instant Download Cart: a Powerfull, Customized, in site, DB driven, e-products Cart
                     Forms, Databases, Shopping Carts, Instant Download Carts, Loggin Systems and more....
                              Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor : No coding form processor! Just install and use! Now with built in CAPTCHA!

