SEO Consequences of switching to PHP from HTML

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  • adrianbrookes
    First Sergeant

    • Sep 2006
    • 72

    SEO Consequences of switching to PHP from HTML

    I'm planning on using the single menu page implementation technique by using an html box for menu items on many of my site pages, requiring re-publishing the page as a PHP instead of HTML.

    Anyone know if there is an SEO consequence in republishing where only the suffix changes? Will google consider this a new page or does it ignore the suffix change and keep the indexing for the pages just the way they are now as html's????

    A-B Technology Group
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: SEO Consequences of switching to PHP from HTML

    The "Single page Menu Method in BV" does not function in BV12 and later versions, so be mindful of what it is you are actually trying to accomplish. There is no other viable "method" substitutable, so you mentioning some other method as functional that would "require" pages to be PHP rather than HTML is unlikely.

    Secondly, SEO values are attributed according to the Build construct and Content Relevancy of the pages, not according to the file type.

    And, with regard to SEO performance, using a "Single Page Menu" method (which is iFrame based and not HTML Box, so to make changes to only one menu globally) has been disfavored with the addition of a number of dynamic Menu Systems able to be inserted from within BlueVoda itself --- making updates to the menu on the 'index' page and then COPYing it onto other pages is far easier than whatever "convenience" is derived from using a method (Single Page, global, via iFrame or script in HTML Box) that is essentially "invisible" to the Search Engines entirely!!

    This was always the rub of using the Single Page method: Perceived Convenience vs. Optimization benefit ... even with a precise sitemap.xml file to fill in the missing navigational indexing, any site using this method suffers extraordinarily.

    You are better off simply selecting a dynamic Menu style from within BlueVoda and using the COPY+PASTE process to populate it globally across your site.
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • adrianbrookes
      First Sergeant

      • Sep 2006
      • 72

      Re: SEO Consequences of switching to PHP from HTML

      Appreciate the info, thanks. My site has near 250 pages, so making the "global" menu change on a master menu would have been nice.

      I currently use an iframe "header" on sub pages, but I can't put the menu in it since the dropdowns get cut-off by the short height of the iframe. So I have the menu at the top of the sub page main content area.

      It takes hours currently to open each page and paste the "revised" menu when it changes.

      You can get an idea of the structure at

      A-B Technology Group

