My index page with a php form will not change

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  • beachblue

    • Mar 2009
    • 32


    My index page with a php form will not change

    I have a website and I have an index page that has been used as a sign in page with a php form. I now want to change the page back to a normal webpage (without a form). I have changed the index page and saved it but when I publish it does not change it from the previous form page. I do publish using "publish all files" Help please.
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: My index page with a php form will not change

    Originally posted by beachblue View Post
    I have a website and I have an index page that has been used as a sign in page with a php form. I now want to change the page back to a normal webpage (without a form). I have changed the index page and saved it but when I publish it does not change it from the previous form page. I do publish using "publish all files" Help please.
    1. Be sure to change PAGE PROPERTIES back to "Publish Page as HTML" after deleting the Form.
    2. Use BlueFTP to access your "public_html/" Directory to remove the "index.php" page version, because ".php" will always present first, and you must remove the conflict so the ".html" page will present.
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *

