Installing new php templates

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  • Aliens Anonymous
    Special Status

    • Jan 2006
    • 1144

    Re: Installing new php templates

    Right here we go.
    first must tell that i did have abit of trouble moving this in ftp but only a little though,
    first we clear the board delete your theme download from your bluevoda folder or were ever you keep them. make a new folder named forum sets, this folder is were you will download this theme and any others you may want.
    now open ftp mansger connect, on the right open forum - templates delete any themes except the folder name subsilver and the file outside that called index.htm.
    now you will need to down load the theme. that one is in phpBB downloads themes under the colours link about 3 quaters of the way down the page you will find ezHyperShadow101 but i think the 101 was missing.
    download but when the box comes up with run, save, cancel press run if your useing winzip it will start up press extract find the folder you made forum set and extract it to there. when you've done come back.


    • rcmaddawg
      Sergeant First Class

      • Apr 2006
      • 57

      Re: Installing new php templates

      Ok...I have done all of the above Alien...that is the same one I had downloaded before, but have it again now


      • Aliens Anonymous
        Special Status

        • Jan 2006
        • 1144

        Re: Installing new php templates

        Right: now open ftp and connect on right side open forum then templates.
        on the left side find the folder you downloaded the theme and open, now click the theme folder to high light it and then click the move to button, now you should notice that theme folder will appear on the right it should continue to move the files when it has finished you must check each folder in turn as this is were i had trouble you may find that are folders or files missing ,Especially in the images folder if you find that there are missing folders or files just high light them on the left and press move to.
        move folders first then open them and see if there are missing file if so move them in the same way. wants you've done that and happy that all folder and file are on the right and in the right place of your ftp come back.


        • rcmaddawg
          Sergeant First Class

          • Apr 2006
          • 57

          Re: Installing new php templates

          whew...ok well all the files are over to the right...I checked each one and all seem to be there


          • Aliens Anonymous
            Special Status

            • Jan 2006
            • 1144

            Re: Installing new php templates

            Right almost here now,
            now go log into your admin on the forum, when there on the left under styles admin click the add link, a page will appear with a box with style-template-action you should see the theme that you have just loaded click the install. now once you come back to the admin page on the left under general admin click the Configuration link page opens about half way down you will see Default Style in the drop down box select your theme then click submit. now when it comes back go to the forum go to your profile open and change yours on the Board Style:
            now go do this and come back with a big smile on your face.


            • rcmaddawg
              Sergeant First Class

              • Apr 2006
              • 57

              Re: Installing new php templates

              SMILE!!! Yes I think I should keep you in my back pocket for my next dilema I Let me know if you are interested in helping me with some other issues I have . Thanks so much again.


              • Aliens Anonymous
                Special Status

                • Jan 2006
                • 1144

                Re: Installing new php templates

                No problem any time, it's nice to know that someone is now dancing around the room like a 5 year old.
                Well done

                ps ) about changing the header and putting some links in there. May be another time, when you've stop dancing around. I'm off to have a cup of coffee then of to bed seeing it's 2.30am here in england.
                but first I'm going to look at your forum.
                good luck


                • Aliens Anonymous
                  Special Status

                  • Jan 2006
                  • 1144

                  Re: Installing new php templates

                  Hi rcmaddawg
                  Been messing about with that forum skin you liked, take a look HERE
                  let me know what you think, (sorry for nicking your pic but needed something for your demo. the text and links etc can all be changed to suit or site.


                  • rcmaddawg
                    Sergeant First Class

                    • Apr 2006
                    • 57

                    Re: Installing new php templates

                    Alien....after all your help with getting my forum changed, I'm wondering if you know how to change the banner in it? I have edited the blank header, saved it, uploaded it in the FTP manager, but now not sure how to get it up on the forum....


                    • Aliens Anonymous
                      Special Status

                      • Jan 2006
                      • 1144

                      Re: Installing new php templates

                      Originally posted by Aliens Anonymous
                      Hi rcmaddawg
                      Been messing about with that forum skin you liked, take a look HERE
                      let me know what you think, (sorry for nicking your pic but needed something for your demo. the text and links etc can all be changed to suit or site.
                      Hi been waiting for you to get back click the link in the quote, is this what you mean ( notice the two extra links and the picture.


                      • rcmaddawg
                        Sergeant First Class

                        • Apr 2006
                        • 57

                        Re: Installing new php templates

                        So sorry Alien, I didn't even see your last post. This thread has gotten so big I didn't even go the second page when I made my last post. I just checked out what you did, and it is great. Now to get that to my forum, and I'll be doin that "happy dance" again LOL


                        • Aliens Anonymous
                          Special Status

                          • Jan 2006
                          • 1144

                          Re: Installing new php templates

                          Hi do you wish to use that image or text ? if you have picture that you would like with different text let me know.
                          if you want that one then.
                          first off go my forum on the link above, then right click the image on the top right. and save on to your computer as logo , in your bluevoda folder and as close to the forum skin that you downloaded. then we will go from there.


                          • rcmaddawg
                            Sergeant First Class

                            • Apr 2006
                            • 57

                            Re: Installing new php templates

                            Ok I have saved it in the images folder of the forum skin that I downloaded....


                            • Aliens Anonymous
                              Special Status

                              • Jan 2006
                              • 1144

                              Re: Installing new php templates

                              open the images folder you will see a folder named logo open that there should be a file or image in there named logo.jpg
                              did it replace the old logo image. if so that is great. if not delete the old one and replace with the new one making shore the file name is the same.
                              now open ftp manager and connect. on the left find the your forum skin folder again and open then find the images folder and open then open the logo folder. now you should see a lot of image files on the left.
                              now repeat this prosess on the right untill you have both logo folders open on both sides. now click the file on the left that says logo.jpg then click the move to button at top of page , when finished check your forum .
                              then get back and we will do the button links.


                              • rcmaddawg
                                Sergeant First Class

                                • Apr 2006
                                • 57

                                Re: Installing new php templates

                                Ok all done Alien, sorry had to run out and get seems to think they are always starvin...LOL

