I am trying to install Form Maker, but when I reach the installation form, I do not know how to fill in the Install form, and I get an error mesagge: "Could not connect to MySQL server"
specifically I need know:
What are:
User name : is this the same as my vodahost username ?
Email: Can it be whatever email that I have ?
Password: Is this my vodahost login password ?
MySQL Host: ?????
MySQL login: Is this the user name in the new database that I have in MySQL created ?
MySQL password: Is this the DB user password ?
MySQL database name: my DB name is "formas" is it enough or I have to write mstaxas_formas ?
Thanks in advance for your prompt help.
Best regards,
Ticket ID: DCG-806771
vodahost domain name: mistaxas.com
I am trying to install Form Maker, but when I reach the installation form, I do not know how to fill in the Install form, and I get an error mesagge: "Could not connect to MySQL server"
specifically I need know:
What are:
User name : is this the same as my vodahost username ?
Email: Can it be whatever email that I have ?
Password: Is this my vodahost login password ?
MySQL Host: ?????
MySQL login: Is this the user name in the new database that I have in MySQL created ?
MySQL password: Is this the DB user password ?
MySQL database name: my DB name is "formas" is it enough or I have to write mstaxas_formas ?
Thanks in advance for your prompt help.
Best regards,
Ticket ID: DCG-806771
vodahost domain name: mistaxas.com