Click Here to learn more about Vote Pro.
Before you install Vote Pro, YOU MUST create a database in your control
panel, CLICK HERE to learn how to do this.
Installation Instructions:
1. Extract file ""
2. Upload folder "votepro" to the root of your web site. (Your public_html directory)
3. Change atributes of file "config.php" in the folder"votepro" to "666" = "rw-rw-rw"
4. Go to
5. Fill all fields with valid values.
6. Enjoy Vote! Pro 4.0
Before you install Vote Pro, YOU MUST create a database in your control
panel, CLICK HERE to learn how to do this.
Installation Instructions:
1. Extract file ""
2. Upload folder "votepro" to the root of your web site. (Your public_html directory)
3. Change atributes of file "config.php" in the folder"votepro" to "666" = "rw-rw-rw"
4. Go to
5. Fill all fields with valid values.
6. Enjoy Vote! Pro 4.0