About Noha's classified
When people respond to an add they get this message
Notice: Undefined variable: www in /........./notification.php(280) : eval()'d code on line 5
Notice: Undefined variable: nom in /.........gorum/notification.php(280) : eval()'d code on line 8
I checked the script but I don't even know what a line of script looks like and where is line 5 and line 8
The script is notification.php
This one:
// A notificationok applikacionkent fixek. Az installibben kell oket
// letrehozni. A user nem hozhat letre ujat es nem torolhet ki egyet
// sem, maximum modosithatja oket
$notification_typ =
"form hidden",
"form hidden"
"form hidden"
"max" =>"255",
"max" =>"255",
"max" =>"120",
"form readonly"
"max" =>"120",
"min" =>"1",
"form readonly",
// Egy ilyen objektumban adjuk at a send fuggvenynek azokat a
// parametereket, amik a kuldeshez szuksegesek:
class SendingParameters
var $to; // ez az egy mandatory
var $cc;
var $replyTo;
function SendingParameters()
$this->to = $this->cc = $this->replyTo = "";
class Notification extends Object
function hasObjectRights(&$hasRight, $method, $giveError=FALSE)
global $generalRight, $lll;
$hasRight = ($isAdm && $method==Priv_modify) || $method==Priv_load;
$generalRight = TRUE;
if( !$hasRight && $giveError )
return ok;
function showDetailsTool()
return "";
function showListVal($attr)
global $gorumroll, $lll;
if( $attr=="active" ) {
if ($this->active) $s=$lll["yes"];
else $s=$lll["no"];
elseif ($attr=="title") {
if( $gorumroll->method=="showhtmllist" )
$tempRoll = new Roll;
$tempRoll->method = "showdetails";
$tempRoll->list = "notification";
$tempRoll->rollid = $this->id;
$s.=$tempRoll->generAnchor($this->title, "itemtitle");
else $s=htmlspecialchars($this->{$attr});
elseif ($attr=="body") {
return $s;
function showDetails(&$s, $whereFields="", $withLoad=TRUE,$headText="")
global $notification_typ, $gorumroll;
$this->id = $gorumroll->rollid;
if( $this->fixRecipent )
$notification_typ["attributes"]["recipent"][]="form invisible";
showDetails($this, $s, $whereFields, FALSE);
function generForm(&$s)
global $notification_typ, $gorumroll;
if( $this->fixRecipent )
$notification_typ["attributes"]["recipent"][]="form invisible";
generForm($this, $s);
function modify()
global $notification_typ;
if( $this->fixRecipent )
function send()
global $adminEmail, $htmlNotifications;
$from = $adminEmail ? "From: $adminEmail" : "";
$variableNames = explode(", ", $this->variables);
$variables = func_get_args();
if( $this->fixRecipent ) $to = $this->recipent;
else $to = array_shift($variables); // levagjuk a to-t
if( $this->fixCC ) $cc = $this->cc;
else $cc = array_shift($variables); // levagjuk a cc-t
// Ha programozott cc is van es db-bol jovo cc is van:
if( !$this->fixCC && $this->cc ) $cc = array($cc, $this->cc);
foreach( $variableNames as $v ) $$v=array_shift($variables);
// Kulonben nem lehetne eval-ozni:
$withoutQuote = addcslashes ($this->body, '"');
eval ("\$mailText = \"$withoutQuote\";");
if( (defined("Notification_newsletterDeleted") &&
$this->id==Notification_newsletterDeleted) ||
$this->subject=="Your EzineListing has been DELETE." )
global $patrickInfo;
if( !isset($patrickInfo) )
$mailText.="A hivas nem a Newsletter->delete-bol jott\nnotification->id: $this->id";
$err = gmail($adminEmail,"contact@phpoutsourcing.com", "Szopacs a Patricknel: $this->subject", $mailText,
$htmlNotifications, "", "", $cc);
$err = gmail($adminEmail, $to, $this->subject, $mailText,
$htmlNotifications, "", "", $cc);
if( $err )
// param vagy egy SendingParameters objektum, vagy a visszafele
// kompatibilitas miatt egy string ami a cimzett emailcimet
// tartalmazza. Ha egy objektum, akkor magaban foglalja a kuldeshez
// szukseges osszes parametert - vagyis a cimzetten kivul meg a
// 'reply to'-t, a 'cc'-t, stb.
// param utan meg valtozo szamu tovabbi argumentumot kaphat a
// fuggveny - ott jonnek a valtozok, amiket az email szovegbe be
// kell helyettesiteni.
function send( $param )
global $adminEmail, $htmlNotifications;
$variableNames = explode(", ", $this->variables);
$variables = func_get_args();
array_shift($variables); // levagjuk a param-ot
// levagjuk az osszes tobbi parametert es inicializaljuk
// veluk a valtozokat:
foreach( $variableNames as $v ) $$v=array_shift($variables);
// a visszafele kompatibilitas miatt, arra az esetre, ha param
// csak egy string:
if( !is_object($param) )
$p = new SendingParameters;
$p->to = $param;
$param = $p;
if( $this->fixRecipent ) $param->to = $this->recipent;
if( $this->fixCC ) $param->cc = $this->cc;
// Ha programozott cc is van es db-bol jovo cc is van:
if( !$this->fixCC && $this->cc )
$param->cc = array($param->cc, $this->cc);
// Ha a bodyban csak egy html file nev van, akkor betoltjuk es
// azt vesszuk template-nek:
if( ereg("\.html$",$this->body) )
$this->body=join('', file ($this->body));
// Kulonben nem lehetne eval-ozni:
$withoutQuote = addcslashes ($this->body, '"');
// behelyettesitjuk a valtozokat:
eval ("\$mailText = \"$withoutQuote\";");
$from = $adminEmail ? $adminEmail : "";
$retpath = $param->replyTo ? $param->replyTo : "";
//$f = fopen("mailtest.html", "a");
//fputs($f, "<font color='darkgreen'><i>Sending mail: <ul><li>from: $from, <li>to: $param->to, <li>subject: $this->subject, <li>html: $htmlNotifications, <li>cc: $param->cc, <li>retpath: $retpath, <li>replyTo: $param->replyTo</ul></i></font>");
global $notifMailText;
$notifMailText=$mailText;//a kulvilagnak. (csunya, tudom)
$err = gmail($from, $param->to, $this->subject, $mailText,
$htmlNotifications, 0, "", "", $param->cc,"","",
$retpath, $param->replyTo);
if( $err )
//fputs($f, "<font color='darkgreen'><i>Error occured during sending the mail, error code: $err</i></font><br><br>");
//fputs($f, "<font color='darkgreen'><i>Mail sent.</i></font><br><br>");
What do I have to change to resolve the problem...
Hope someone have the answer...
because...Noha's forum is absolutely useless...
Thank you all
About Noha's classified
When people respond to an add they get this message
Notice: Undefined variable: www in /........./notification.php(280) : eval()'d code on line 5
Notice: Undefined variable: nom in /.........gorum/notification.php(280) : eval()'d code on line 8
I checked the script but I don't even know what a line of script looks like and where is line 5 and line 8
The script is notification.php
This one:
// A notificationok applikacionkent fixek. Az installibben kell oket
// letrehozni. A user nem hozhat letre ujat es nem torolhet ki egyet
// sem, maximum modosithatja oket
$notification_typ =
"form hidden",
"form hidden"
"form hidden"
"max" =>"255",
"max" =>"255",
"max" =>"120",
"form readonly"
"max" =>"120",
"min" =>"1",
"form readonly",
// Egy ilyen objektumban adjuk at a send fuggvenynek azokat a
// parametereket, amik a kuldeshez szuksegesek:
class SendingParameters
var $to; // ez az egy mandatory
var $cc;
var $replyTo;
function SendingParameters()
$this->to = $this->cc = $this->replyTo = "";
class Notification extends Object
function hasObjectRights(&$hasRight, $method, $giveError=FALSE)
global $generalRight, $lll;
$hasRight = ($isAdm && $method==Priv_modify) || $method==Priv_load;
$generalRight = TRUE;
if( !$hasRight && $giveError )
return ok;
function showDetailsTool()
return "";
function showListVal($attr)
global $gorumroll, $lll;
if( $attr=="active" ) {
if ($this->active) $s=$lll["yes"];
else $s=$lll["no"];
elseif ($attr=="title") {
if( $gorumroll->method=="showhtmllist" )
$tempRoll = new Roll;
$tempRoll->method = "showdetails";
$tempRoll->list = "notification";
$tempRoll->rollid = $this->id;
$s.=$tempRoll->generAnchor($this->title, "itemtitle");
else $s=htmlspecialchars($this->{$attr});
elseif ($attr=="body") {
return $s;
function showDetails(&$s, $whereFields="", $withLoad=TRUE,$headText="")
global $notification_typ, $gorumroll;
$this->id = $gorumroll->rollid;
if( $this->fixRecipent )
$notification_typ["attributes"]["recipent"][]="form invisible";
showDetails($this, $s, $whereFields, FALSE);
function generForm(&$s)
global $notification_typ, $gorumroll;
if( $this->fixRecipent )
$notification_typ["attributes"]["recipent"][]="form invisible";
generForm($this, $s);
function modify()
global $notification_typ;
if( $this->fixRecipent )
function send()
global $adminEmail, $htmlNotifications;
$from = $adminEmail ? "From: $adminEmail" : "";
$variableNames = explode(", ", $this->variables);
$variables = func_get_args();
if( $this->fixRecipent ) $to = $this->recipent;
else $to = array_shift($variables); // levagjuk a to-t
if( $this->fixCC ) $cc = $this->cc;
else $cc = array_shift($variables); // levagjuk a cc-t
// Ha programozott cc is van es db-bol jovo cc is van:
if( !$this->fixCC && $this->cc ) $cc = array($cc, $this->cc);
foreach( $variableNames as $v ) $$v=array_shift($variables);
// Kulonben nem lehetne eval-ozni:
$withoutQuote = addcslashes ($this->body, '"');
eval ("\$mailText = \"$withoutQuote\";");
if( (defined("Notification_newsletterDeleted") &&
$this->id==Notification_newsletterDeleted) ||
$this->subject=="Your EzineListing has been DELETE." )
global $patrickInfo;
if( !isset($patrickInfo) )
$mailText.="A hivas nem a Newsletter->delete-bol jott\nnotification->id: $this->id";
$err = gmail($adminEmail,"contact@phpoutsourcing.com", "Szopacs a Patricknel: $this->subject", $mailText,
$htmlNotifications, "", "", $cc);
$err = gmail($adminEmail, $to, $this->subject, $mailText,
$htmlNotifications, "", "", $cc);
if( $err )
// param vagy egy SendingParameters objektum, vagy a visszafele
// kompatibilitas miatt egy string ami a cimzett emailcimet
// tartalmazza. Ha egy objektum, akkor magaban foglalja a kuldeshez
// szukseges osszes parametert - vagyis a cimzetten kivul meg a
// 'reply to'-t, a 'cc'-t, stb.
// param utan meg valtozo szamu tovabbi argumentumot kaphat a
// fuggveny - ott jonnek a valtozok, amiket az email szovegbe be
// kell helyettesiteni.
function send( $param )
global $adminEmail, $htmlNotifications;
$variableNames = explode(", ", $this->variables);
$variables = func_get_args();
array_shift($variables); // levagjuk a param-ot
// levagjuk az osszes tobbi parametert es inicializaljuk
// veluk a valtozokat:
foreach( $variableNames as $v ) $$v=array_shift($variables);
// a visszafele kompatibilitas miatt, arra az esetre, ha param
// csak egy string:
if( !is_object($param) )
$p = new SendingParameters;
$p->to = $param;
$param = $p;
if( $this->fixRecipent ) $param->to = $this->recipent;
if( $this->fixCC ) $param->cc = $this->cc;
// Ha programozott cc is van es db-bol jovo cc is van:
if( !$this->fixCC && $this->cc )
$param->cc = array($param->cc, $this->cc);
// Ha a bodyban csak egy html file nev van, akkor betoltjuk es
// azt vesszuk template-nek:
if( ereg("\.html$",$this->body) )
$this->body=join('', file ($this->body));
// Kulonben nem lehetne eval-ozni:
$withoutQuote = addcslashes ($this->body, '"');
// behelyettesitjuk a valtozokat:
eval ("\$mailText = \"$withoutQuote\";");
$from = $adminEmail ? $adminEmail : "";
$retpath = $param->replyTo ? $param->replyTo : "";
//$f = fopen("mailtest.html", "a");
//fputs($f, "<font color='darkgreen'><i>Sending mail: <ul><li>from: $from, <li>to: $param->to, <li>subject: $this->subject, <li>html: $htmlNotifications, <li>cc: $param->cc, <li>retpath: $retpath, <li>replyTo: $param->replyTo</ul></i></font>");
global $notifMailText;
$notifMailText=$mailText;//a kulvilagnak. (csunya, tudom)
$err = gmail($from, $param->to, $this->subject, $mailText,
$htmlNotifications, 0, "", "", $param->cc,"","",
$retpath, $param->replyTo);
if( $err )
//fputs($f, "<font color='darkgreen'><i>Error occured during sending the mail, error code: $err</i></font><br><br>");
//fputs($f, "<font color='darkgreen'><i>Mail sent.</i></font><br><br>");
What do I have to change to resolve the problem...
Hope someone have the answer...
because...Noha's forum is absolutely useless...
Thank you all