Category Archives: ais

iPhoto ’09 & iPhoto ’11: Editing photos in iPhoto will not refresh image in Flickr gallery

If you have published images to your Flickr account from iPhoto ’09 or iPhoto ’11, attempting to edit these images from your iPhoto application and then republishing to your Flickr account will not replace your published photo with your new image. Continue reading

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iLife: Black lines may appear when exporting to QuickTime

You may notice small black lines on video you export from iMovie or iPhoto to QuickTime. Continue reading

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iLife ’08 and later: Some iLife applications will not open after an OS reinstall or migration

After using the Archive and Install feature of the the Mac OS X Installer, or the migration feature using Migration Assistant utility, you may not be able to open any of the iLife applications (iPhoto, iMovie, GarageBand, iWeb, or iDVD). The application icon may bounce in the Dock, but the application does not open. You may also receive an alert message. Continue reading

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Mac OS X 10.5.5 and later: Installing optional and bundled software

Mac computers that ship with Mac OS X 10.5.5 or later allow the installation of some bundled Mac OS X applications such as Mail and/or the iLife suite–without needing to reinstall Mac OS X completely. Continue reading

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