Tag Archives: ais

OS X Mountain Lion: Mail rules may not appear after upgrading from Mac OS X v10.6

When a system is upgraded from Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard to OS X v10.8 Mountain Lion, existing rules may not appear the first time Mail is opened. Continue reading

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Mountain Lion: May be unable to save from Mail directly to iPhoto

Photos received as attachments in a Mail message may not save directly to iPhoto. Continue reading

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iBooks and iBookstore: Parental Controls in iOS 6

Learn more about Parental Controls for books in iOS 6. Continue reading

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iPhoto ’09 & iPhoto ’11: Editing photos in iPhoto will not refresh image in Flickr gallery

If you have published images to your Flickr account from iPhoto ’09 or iPhoto ’11, attempting to edit these images from your iPhoto application and then republishing to your Flickr account will not replace your published photo with your new image. Continue reading

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