I received a phone call from Taylor Scott International around two years ago, it is the first time I heard of this company. They were inviting me to one of their seminars that I immediately declined, simply because I never heard of Taylor Scott International, so naturally my reaction was to put the phone down after saying no, loudly and clearly. You guessed it right! I was very rude to the caller, regrettably.
I say, regrettably simply because had I known beforehand what Taylor Scott International offers, I would not have declined their offer two times. You read it right! I got invited to Taylor Scott International seminars twice, I guess, my friends really love me so much that they keep on giving my name and number because they knew Taylor Scott International offers opportunities that were great or someone just really does not like me. Well, whatever their intention, I’m just glad they did not give up on me.
As said earlier, I got invited to Taylor Scott International regular seminars not just once but 3 times, I accepted the last invitation simply out of curiosity and to stop them from inviting me again. I figured they would stop bothering if I accepted their invitation as I was tired of hearing from Taylor Scott International.
By the way, before accepting the invitation, I did a brief research about Taylor Scott International just to make sure that they are legit and not a fly by night or run by people who don’t know what they are doing.
Taylor Scott International were established in 2005 as an investment firm with an aim to provide investment opportunities to people like me who wants a good return on their investment. Taylor Scott International track record and sound investment plan are the reasons why I took a chance and invested in their firm. Since, the manager did an excellent job explaining their wide range of investment programs.
Take note, I was a bit hesitant even though Taylor Scott International investment program sounds fantastic. I have no problem investing my money on a long term basis with Taylor Scott International as the amount I would be investing for a small plot will not hurt my lifestyle. In other words, I have nothing to lose except money if things did not work out. The only thing that holds me back is lack of knowledge in this type of investment.
Bear in mind, I’m the type of person that does not really invest or spend money on things I’m not familiar with or not hundred percent sure, especially when I need to get a portion of my retirement savings. So, what finally made me decide to throw all caution out of the window and just invest with Taylor Scott International. Honestly, I liked the way the people at Taylor Scott International handle our queries.
Like any smart investor, I ask all possible questions to erase lingering doubts and to put my mind at ease. With all the scams going around the world, it is best to be safe than sorry later. Besides, the money I will invest in Taylor Scott International is not something I pick out of a tree, it was hard earned money, that’s why, I need to be cautious. So, after talking with my friends who have invested with TSI and partner in life, I called the manager who entertained us and told her the good news.
I went to Taylor Scott International office the next day to invest. Frankly speaking, I have no regret investing my funds with Taylor Scott International as the company really knows what they are doing. I know, it will take maybe 5 or more years before I see my money again or at least a percentage of my investment. Nevertheless, I was not disheartened or afraid that I will not get my investment as Taylor Scott International sound investment plan are right on track. Additionally, anytime I need information or update, I simply visit Taylor Scott International office or call to know the status of greenbelt lands awaiting approval. It may not happen soon, but there is no doubt that it will happen one day, and I will be able to get my investment with interest back.
Furthermore, the amount I invested as I said awhile ago will not hurt me financially. What more, Taylor Scott International investment program can double or quadruple my money. I cannot say the same thing if I just leave my money with the bank, but with TSI the probability as said awhile ago to get a good return of investment is high.
Taylor Scott International sound investment program, professional staff and high ROI are the reasons why I’m I have invested portion of my retirement savings with Taylor Scott International. I even recommend Taylor Scott International to my friends and relatives as they simply know what they are doing.
I am now a very proud investor with Taylor Scott International. Why a proud investor, well, recently I invested substantial amount of money with Taylor Scott International. For those unaware of Taylor Scott International, this is one of the international with headquarters in London. Taylor Scott International is a land investment company offering investment opportunities to people who could afford to invest on a long-term basis. I know some people would think I’m crazy for investing in this type of investment program or with Taylor Scott International but after a thorough research on Taylor Scott International, I believe that Taylor Scott International program can bring me substantial returns in the future. Let me explain in details why I choose to invest my hard-earned money with Taylor Scott International.
By the way, before I discuss the reason why I have decided to invest with Taylor Scott International, allow me to tell you about the first time I heard about Taylor Scott International. You see, I heard the name Taylor Scott International, when I was out socializing with some of my close friends from high school. Marissa, my closest friend were invited to one of Taylor Scott International seminar, at one of fancy hotels in downtown. Take note, she went to the seminar for the freebies and good food, not really to invest as she is not into long-term investment. Anyway, according to her, Taylor Scott International program seems good enough, the problem was she is not really into land investment and beside; she does not like investing in something she has no idea, which is why she decided not to invest with Taylor Scott International.
So, when I got a call a month after our meeting, I was no longer surprised as Marissa told us as well that she give our contact number to the people of Taylor Scott International. Of course, naturally, we were upset since she does not have our permission. Well, anyway, I agreed to attend the Taylor Scott International seminar the next day, as I do not want to be contacted again by anyone from Taylor Scott International, so I might as well attend the seminar to get over it.
The next day, I went to the Taylor Scott International seminar and was greeted by one of the consultant, named Mark. The Taylor Scott International consultants were all impressive, friendly and helpful, especially Mark, as he was attentive the whole time I was there. Oh! We were offered a beautiful buffet, and since I was there already, I might as well take advantage of the free foods to compensate for my time in case I did not like Taylor Scott International investment program. Fortunately, my time was not wasted at all, as I find the investment program suitable for my needs. In other words, I was impressed and more so when I finally understand Taylor Scott International program. Don’t get me wrong, I was impressed but not 100% sold to the idea or the land investment program that Taylor Scott International is trying to sell me and other people in the seminar. Like 90% of the people that have attended the Taylor Scott International seminar, I was doubtful at first especially when Mark keeps telling me that only a few plots left. I know it’s only a marketing strategy, so I did not feel pressured at all when I finally wrote a check for Taylor Scott International.
Keep in mind, I invested with Taylor Scott International because they are a legitimate business and have a good investment program wherein I could get a substantial return of investment. Plus, Taylor Scott International operates in London, Singapore and other countries, which is why I know they are not a fraud. Taylor Scott International offer potential investors a land investment program that will yield profit in 8 to 10 years from now. The Taylor Scott International investment program also allows me to own a piece of London, or 100 sq meters plot in area in London designated. I admit! I was not familiar with the land, so I ask Mark about it and I was satisfied with his answer. Take note, when I got home, I did a research on the area to verify Marks story, and he was not lying about it. I guess, his honesty is also another factor why I did not cancel the check I issued to Taylor Scott International.
Oh, before I forgot I also consulted my financial adviser regarding my investment with Taylor Scott International. According to him, Taylor Scott International offer no guarantee when it comes to the time, but when it comes to the profitability of my investment with Taylor Scott International, there is no doubt that I can make money as long as I stick to Taylor Scott International program. Come to think of it! I have no problem with the land investment program, or with waiting for 7 to 10 years to get an ROI. After all, Taylor Scott International is just like my other investment wherein I need to continue saving for 10 years to enjoy the profit as terminating the investment would only mean losses to me, because of the taxes and legal stamps I have to pay for exiting early. I highly recommend, Taylor Scott International for long term investment.