Hi all,
I have a script from DynamicDrive for an Accordion style menu which requires the external file "ddaccordion.js" and 2 .GIF images. This is the link to the script and instructions page and you will see how the menu is supposed to behave.
I have implemented the script into a HTML box on this page www.thelinkdentalpersonnel.com/experiment.php and added the content with no problems. But the .GIF images and the .js file (saved into the same directory as all my BV files, folders and images as well as desktop) aren't being detected/referenced and the Acccordin menu is not functioning as it should.
NB: I am also using the HTML Editor software from CoffeeCup //not used to build pages for website but just to edit and experiment with DHTML before applying to BV pages// and repeated all the instructions given by DynamicDrive and everything works fine in the CoffeeCup HTML editor.
I found a post to one of the threads in a BV forum (similar problem) and tried following their instructions but no success. This is the post:
"So, on that DynamicDrive page, you'll want to right-click on the text "jquery.magnifier.js" and select "Save As" and choose a location on your computer (might be best to put it on the desktop) where you can easily find it. Next:
1) log into your Vodahost cPanel
2) click on File Manager
3) In the "File Manager Directory Selection" window, click the last radio button (beside "Document Root For")
4) Just below "Document Root For", click the dropdown menu and choose the domain of the site where you want the DynamicDrive tool to appear. Click the grey "Go" button
5) In the row of icons near the top of the page, click "Upload" icon (looks like a file folder with a green arrow in front of it)
6) On the new page you'll get, click "Choose" and navigate to wherever you saved the "jquery.magnifier.js" file and double click to select it.
7) cPanel should automatically begin uploading the file you selected to the domain you specified.
Repeat this process for the other file that DynamicDrive says you need to upload. Once you have both of them uploaded to the proper directory in your cPanel, you should be able to implement the DynamicDrive tool on a BV page. "
These are the files that I uploaded to the 'Document Root'.
C:\fakepath\silvergradient.GIF: 1.48 KB: 100% Complete
C:\fakepath\silvergradientover.GIF: 1.47 KB: 100% Complete
C:\fakepath\ddaccordion.js: 12.97 KB: 100% Complete
I dont know what fakepath is but wondering if its supposed to be that?
I can see the accordion.js, silvergradient.GIF and silvergradientover.GIF in the 'Document Root' and the 'Public FTP Root - Public_HTML' so they are there. Have tried changing the permissions to 755 but no difference.
I recognise the need to possibly change the file path so I have tried a miriad of possibilites but the one that seems logical is "public_html/silvergradient.gif" perhaps or something else?? eg:
<style type="text/css">
.*****menu{<img src="something/silvergradientover.GIF"><img src="something/silvergradient.GIF">
margin: 10px;
padding: 0px;
width: 251px; /*width of menu*/
border: 0px solid #9A9A9A;
Obviously gone wrong somewhere and being such an ametuer, I have possible missed something really obvious.
Any assistance is appreciated.
I have a script from DynamicDrive for an Accordion style menu which requires the external file "ddaccordion.js" and 2 .GIF images. This is the link to the script and instructions page and you will see how the menu is supposed to behave.
I have implemented the script into a HTML box on this page www.thelinkdentalpersonnel.com/experiment.php and added the content with no problems. But the .GIF images and the .js file (saved into the same directory as all my BV files, folders and images as well as desktop) aren't being detected/referenced and the Acccordin menu is not functioning as it should.
NB: I am also using the HTML Editor software from CoffeeCup //not used to build pages for website but just to edit and experiment with DHTML before applying to BV pages// and repeated all the instructions given by DynamicDrive and everything works fine in the CoffeeCup HTML editor.
I found a post to one of the threads in a BV forum (similar problem) and tried following their instructions but no success. This is the post:
"So, on that DynamicDrive page, you'll want to right-click on the text "jquery.magnifier.js" and select "Save As" and choose a location on your computer (might be best to put it on the desktop) where you can easily find it. Next:
1) log into your Vodahost cPanel
2) click on File Manager
3) In the "File Manager Directory Selection" window, click the last radio button (beside "Document Root For")
4) Just below "Document Root For", click the dropdown menu and choose the domain of the site where you want the DynamicDrive tool to appear. Click the grey "Go" button
5) In the row of icons near the top of the page, click "Upload" icon (looks like a file folder with a green arrow in front of it)
6) On the new page you'll get, click "Choose" and navigate to wherever you saved the "jquery.magnifier.js" file and double click to select it.
7) cPanel should automatically begin uploading the file you selected to the domain you specified.
Repeat this process for the other file that DynamicDrive says you need to upload. Once you have both of them uploaded to the proper directory in your cPanel, you should be able to implement the DynamicDrive tool on a BV page. "
These are the files that I uploaded to the 'Document Root'.
C:\fakepath\silvergradient.GIF: 1.48 KB: 100% Complete
C:\fakepath\silvergradientover.GIF: 1.47 KB: 100% Complete
C:\fakepath\ddaccordion.js: 12.97 KB: 100% Complete
I dont know what fakepath is but wondering if its supposed to be that?
I can see the accordion.js, silvergradient.GIF and silvergradientover.GIF in the 'Document Root' and the 'Public FTP Root - Public_HTML' so they are there. Have tried changing the permissions to 755 but no difference.
I recognise the need to possibly change the file path so I have tried a miriad of possibilites but the one that seems logical is "public_html/silvergradient.gif" perhaps or something else?? eg:
<style type="text/css">
.*****menu{<img src="something/silvergradientover.GIF"><img src="something/silvergradient.GIF">
margin: 10px;
padding: 0px;
width: 251px; /*width of menu*/
border: 0px solid #9A9A9A;
Obviously gone wrong somewhere and being such an ametuer, I have possible missed something really obvious.
Any assistance is appreciated.