Placing videos in bluevoda

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  • acr80813

    • Nov 2017
    • 3


    Placing videos in bluevoda

    I am wanting to place videos in a new site I am working on using Bluevoda. I would like to say I have used vodahost and blue voda for more than ten years now. I have two other sites using this program and I love how simple it is to use. Even putting together a site with 30 or 40 pages becomes easy when using bluevoda. Most importantly, the customer service is next to none. I have never been disappointed or made to wait for a reply when asking a technical question or needing assistance.

    Back to my question. I have been playing with the video embedding in a site. I have read the tutorial about using html to embed from YouTube and it's easy enough to do. However, on some of the pages I would like to have a video that automatically starts when the page is open. Or maybe even loop. I couldn't find a way to do it using the html method. Can it be done?

    So I played around with flash and real player. It seems to me that flash is soon to be a thing of the past and my concern with using these is that not all web browsers will recognize them and play the videos. I have the same concern with using the windows media player and QuickTime included on the site builder. If using any of these, will they be viewed on all browsers?

    Also, is there a way to embed a different player, say, total video player?

    I know there are more than one question here but feel they are related. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
  • VodaHost
    General & Forum Administrator

    • Mar 2005
    • 12356

    Re: Placing videos in bluevoda

    You can set videos to autostart and loop within the youtube parameters. To add auto play add:


    To make it autoplay and loop add:


    You are right about Flash, they are soon going to stop supporting it and I believe browsers will stop playing flash videos. As to QuickTime and Windows Media Player playing, this is dependent on the users browsers and if they have the programs installed.

    To use the total video player you would have to insert into an HTML box using HTML tags like:

    <video controls>
    <source src="filename.webm"
    type='video/webm;codecs="vp8, vorbis"'/>
    <source src="filename.mp4"
    type='video/mp4;codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"'/>

    However this is again dependent on the users browser to support the video format you upload.


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