Importing NavStudio

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  • bjaeger

    • Jun 2005
    • 20

    Importing NavStudio

    I'm putting NavStudioCSS into BlueVoda. This is the code that is generated by the menu tags

    <!--** START NAVSTUDIO MENU TAGS (912650) **-->
    <div id="vqp_about" style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;">****J avaScript based drop down DHTML menu generated by NavStudio. (OpenCube Inc. -****</div>
    <script language="JavaScript" vqptag="doc_level_settings" vqp_datafile0="RM1.js" vqp_uid0=912650>cdd__codebase = "C:/Documents and Settings/Brad Jaeger/My Documents/BlueVoda/code/";cdd__codebase912650 = "file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Brad Jaeger/My Documents/BlueVoda/code/";</script>
    <script language="JavaScript" vqptag="datafile" src="C:/Documents and Settings/Brad Jaeger/My Documents/BlueVoda/code/RM1.js"></script><script vqptag="placement" vqp_menuid="912650" language="JavaScript">create_menu(912650)</script>
    <!--** END NAVSTUDIO MENU TAGS **-->

    The problem is that no one is seeing it but me out on the web. I'm supposed to point this part

    C:/Documents and Settings/Brad Jaeger/My Documents/BlueVoda/code

    to the server in order for the menu bar to be viewed by a public domain instead of strictly on my computer. What would I put in for the server location?
  • Steven.H
    Lieutenant Colonel

    • Jul 2005
    • 500

    Upload it onto your server by using:

    file manager>browse>upload.

    Click the file and at the top right it will tell you the URL for it, use that instead of the local file address.


    • Maddog
      Lieutenant Colonel

      • May 2005
      • 514

      Originally posted by bjaeger
      I'm putting NavStudioCSS into BlueVoda. This is the code that is generated by the menu tags

      <!--** START NAVSTUDIO MENU TAGS (912650) **-->
      <div id="vqp_about" style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;">****J avaScript based drop down DHTML menu generated by NavStudio. (OpenCube Inc. -****</div>
      <script language="JavaScript" vqptag="doc_level_settings" vqp_datafile0="RM1.js" vqp_uid0=912650>cdd__codebase = "C:/Documents and Settings/Brad Jaeger/My Documents/BlueVoda/code/";cdd__codebase912650 = "file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Brad Jaeger/My Documents/BlueVoda/code/";</script>
      <script language="JavaScript" vqptag="datafile" src="C:/Documents and Settings/Brad Jaeger/My Documents/BlueVoda/code/RM1.js"></script><script vqptag="placement" vqp_menuid="912650" language="JavaScript">create_menu(912650)</script>
      <!--** END NAVSTUDIO MENU TAGS **-->

      The problem is that no one is seeing it but me out on the web. I'm supposed to point this part

      C:/Documents and Settings/Brad Jaeger/My Documents/BlueVoda/code

      to the server in order for the menu bar to be viewed by a public domain instead of strictly on my computer. What would I put in for the server location?

      With Nav bar software you have to choice to use quick use, i.e. place the code in a HTML box where you want the bar or upload all the file to your server and then change all the links from your c: drive to the server url

      However with the new css button on BV you don't need nav now, this does the same, nearly
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