Installation Issues

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  • Robert
    First Lieutenant

    • May 2005
    • 296

    Installation Issues

    Okay, this may be hard to describe, but I'll do my best.

    Since I started using BlueVoda, I have always followed the same steps to downloading and updating it:

    i would always download using the .exe option, I save this to my hard drive D:\Programs\Setup and Installs. when asking where i would like to save it to, I navigate to the previous bluevoda setup file and click it. Dialog asks if I would like to replace. YES.

    After download, I run the setup. Dialog says it will install in the following dee da....C:\Program Files\BlueVoda ....but simply change C:\ to D:\
    ***Later, I ended up making copies of my bluevoda pages, images, templates, etc. and deleting everything and downloading bluevoda again( when I had to start a new account. I downloaded the setup.exe to the D:\Programs\Setup and Installs...

    This time, I just let it install it to C:\Program Files\BlueVoda

    main purpose of this post:
      • The last version I downloaded and installed was ( )as shown in file properies.
      • I saved over the previous setup.exe file in, choosing YES to replace
      • I initiated the installation process. NOt paying attention, and out of habit I BROWSED and selected to install in C:\Program Files\BlueVoda
      • This is where(BY DEFAULT) it was to be installed ==> C:\Program Files\BlueVoda Website Builder
    so, I am expecting to find the "BlueVoda Website Builder" folder INSIDE the BlueVoda folder. AAAANNNNHH. WRONG.
    look at this:

    I know its blurry but the folder view on the right shows that it wasnt installed to the bluevoda folder like I had chosen to by accident.

    I don't know what I should do to get rid of this mess, keep all my work but not mess up any file referrencing.
    Your Visual Revolution Solution
  • Robert
    First Lieutenant

    • May 2005
    • 296

    Re: Problems Dowloading BlueVoda

    Oh, plus...

    the icons you see for Bluevoda Website builder and BlueFTP that are "pin to Start Menu" I manually had to put them there so to make sure I was using the latest version. I also had to add the two custom navbars I use for my menu to the old navbar folder because even though they were in the navbar folder for the new version's folder: BlueVoda Website Builder\navbar , they pull the images from navbar's from the old one: BlueVoda\navbar\

    Your Visual Revolution Solution


    • VodaHost
      General & Forum Administrator

      • Mar 2005
      • 12356

      Re: Installation Issues

      Sorry mate....You lost me, could you please summarize the issue in a couple of sentences.


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