Changing Page Properties

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  • Ace of Hearts

    • Jan 2007
    • 26

    Changing Page Properties

    Hello everybody,

    Fantastic forum.

    I am building my first ever website using the BV builder and I absolutely love it. I just have a couple of quick questions.

    1. Is changing the settings in Page Properties (while working on the same page) going to overwrite everything that was already done ?
    For example:

    I set the link color to be blue and then after visiting to turn purple (by default) and later on, somewhere on the same page I need a white link to turn red. Is changing that in page properties going to cause previously created blue links to become white as well ?


    2. When previewing a page my browser is blocking some of the content (Active X - GIFs and even links). I have to manually allow that content to be shown.
    Is that happening only because of my computer settings or after I publish my pages every visitor will have the same problem accessing the full content of my site ?

    Any input would be highly appreciated.

    Agoraphobia Help
  • Bethers
    Major General & Forum Moderator

    • Feb 2006
    • 5224

    Re: Changing Page Properties

    You can have only one link properties set up for the page. If you want some links to not follow those properties, set them up when you put the link in through the link icon in the toolbar - you'll see on the "edit hyperlink" that pops up and area called styles - you can go in there and make a new style for this link.

    Your 2nd question is your computer settings.
    A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

    SEO and Marketing Tools
    SEO - The Basics


    • Ace of Hearts

      • Jan 2007
      • 26

      Re: Changing Page Properties

      Thanks a lot Bethers.
      Agoraphobia Help

