Vodahost. Application Error. ? Can you help please.

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  • Collectors-info

    • Feb 2006
    • 8703

    Vodahost. Application Error. ? Can you help please.

    Hi, there’s no chance that you maybe able to say what is making this happen. (image bellow) Have had it a few times, & when it comes up, i loose any work that you have been doing since your last save. It is more than lightly my machine. Lol. But it would be nice if anyone can she’d some light on it.

    Regards Chris.

    Collectables, Collecting, collectors-info.com


    House build project
  • racefan20
    Major General

    • Jul 2005
    • 2335

    Re: Vodahost. Application Error. ? Can you help please.

    Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling BV?
    My NASCAR Forum


    • Robert
      First Lieutenant

      • May 2005
      • 296

      Re: Vodahost. Application Error. ? Can you help please.

      what other programs did you have running at the time, besides Internet Explorer (just a silly guess).

      Also, were you 'cut/copy/paste"ing alot of data/files/images?

      This usually happens when running both Windows Explore and Internet Explorer on overtime (extreme multitasking) lol

      Also, when using memory intensive programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, etc... and IE.

      And lastly, if you check your Event Viewer (if logged on with Admin privelages) you might see something about the registry was in use when the error occured. check it out, it usually isolates the problem.

      Oh, might be a good time to defrag your drive.
      Your Visual Revolution Solution


      • Collectors-info

        • Feb 2006
        • 8703

        Re: Vodahost. Application Error. ? Can you help please.

        Hi Race, no! not yet, but will do it. Have had this happen a few times & have uninstalled & reinstalled before. But the little BUG*** comes back again. Usual just after an hours work. (never after 5 minutes work) LOL. But will try this & see if it solves the prob.

        Hi Rob, you are spot on. I was running a few windows at the time, & the dreaded IE7 which may not help. You tend to forget, how many windows you have open sometimes when testing pages.

        Regards Chris.

        Collectables, Collecting, collectors-info.com


        House build project


        • Bethers
          Major General & Forum Moderator

          • Feb 2006
          • 5224

          Re: Vodahost. Application Error. ? Can you help please.

          That is definitely something that multitasking causes - as I'm a big multitasker lol - happened to me more in IE6 than it does so far in 7, tho.
          A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

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          • Robert
            First Lieutenant

            • May 2005
            • 296

            Re: Vodahost. Application Error. ? Can you help please.

            I just tried a little experiement....

            while previewing two BV pages (and leaving the windows open..2 of them) and leaving this one up for the forums, I opened MyDocuments folder>MyPictures and left it open(to look at pictures)...then I "cut" an image from one of the BV pages...closed just it's preview window and left the other open and tried to publish...

            got a similar error.
            Your Visual Revolution Solution


            • Collectors-info

              • Feb 2006
              • 8703

              Re: Vodahost. Application Error. ? Can you help please.

              Thanks all! I must have found the feminine gene in me to be able to do all this multi tasking. lol. But once I uninstalled the program did a defrag & a few other clean ups. Plus put the slower male gene back on the key board. All is running a lot better.

              Regards Chris.

              Collectables, Collecting, collectors-info.com


              House build project

