A few basic Questions

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  • bamby1983

    • Mar 2007
    • 4

    A few basic Questions

    Hello everyone. This is my first post! *Grins broadly and does a dorky victory dance*
    I have a few basic question regarding radio buttons. I went through the video tutorials on this site and I created a sample page with some radio buttons to define a user's gender. I created a radio button for male and another for female. The problem arose when I previewed my webpage in Internet Explorer. Once I clicked the radio button, there was no way I could DESELECT it. Furthermore, I could select both radio buttons, thereby making me male and female at the same time (Sounds like a movie I once saw). My questions are as follows:
    1) How do I create radio buttons that can be unselected after being selected?
    2) How do I create a pair of radio buttons such that only ONE can be selected at a time?
    I made the radio buttons part of the same group but it didn't help.

    Additionally, is there any way by which I can FIX or LOCK the page dimensions? The page dimensions change everytime I drag a picture to the edge of the screen. This makes it extremely difficult to place images rapidly.

    I'm thinking of registering for Google Adsense so that I can place advertisments on my site. I read something about pasting an HTML code in a box on the website. How do I make this box and can I fix it's dimensions? Google mentioned something about standard dimensions for ads, so should I make a box equal to the same area? And what type of box should I make? Is there some special tool that I need to use? Yes, I'm a complete newbie at this! :)

    I'd appreciate any help on these matters. Thank you for taking the time to read through all this. I hope I haven't posted this in the wrong forum.

    With Regards,
  • beegud2
    Major General

    • Apr 2006
    • 2156

    Re: A few basic questions

    Welcome Bamby,

    Lol..i see you are gonna fit in fine wth us and I'm sorry to say i'm onl welcoming you as i don't have the answer to your questions but hang on and someone wise will come along with it soon enough.

    WELCOME to Vodaland.




    • Astraltraveller

      • Jul 2006
      • 4006

      Re: A few basic questions

      Hi Bamby, welcome to Vodaland enjoy and have fun.......

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