Flash template help?!

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  • backslash23

    • Apr 2007
    • 3

    Flash template help?!

    Hi all, I'm very new to this program and I've been looking at buying a flash template from bluevoda but I'm worried about how much knowledge it takes to edit one and add all the things I want to add. I can't seem to find much about it. I watched the bluevoda template tutorial but it doesn't seem like it's meant for flash templates. I just don't understand how i'll be able to replace the images that are in video files etc.. Any help in this would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks everyone!
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: Flash template help?!

    If you are going to buy a Premium Flash Template from www.VodaHostTemplates.com and desire to make many changes including adding of pages, you might be better off using the services from the professionals recommended, www.TemplateHelp.com

    It is not exactly a project for beginners to attempt, but you can always download a template to practice your editing skills on before you buy from the same place. And, this is is not an area of expertise that is supported comprehensively in the VodaTalk forums, although you will find some useful discussions. You should look first to the Providers of the template itself for definitive Support!
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • racefan20
      Major General

      • Jul 2005
      • 2335

      Re: Flash template help?!

      What he's trying to say is that you can't purchase a flash template and then use BV to edit it - you'll need the software listed on the template purchase page to make changes.
      My NASCAR Forum

