Size changing

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  • satneC
    First Lieutenant

    • Oct 2005
    • 160

    Size changing


    is it possible to fix size of the page in that way that will not change if you make some changes in page layout?

  • Pablo

    • May 2005
    • 507

    Yes: do not drag objects outside the guide borders.
    Forum Moderator
    BlueVoda Spe******t


    • satneC
      First Lieutenant

      • Oct 2005
      • 160

      Well, I don't. Here is the problem. I create a shape with BV. Let's say it's 800 wide x80h
      I than size this page and it is 800x800. When I click on pre-view buuton that "shape" is extending only to cca 2/3 of the screen. It's not extending from left to right through whole page.


      • satneC
        First Lieutenant

        • Oct 2005
        • 160

        Here is an other example. I open new page and I start to drag a shape accross a screen. I am dragging untill it is 800 something wide. It will end at cca 2/3 of a screen. To fit entire page in BV shape must be 1243 wide. To fit in the preview screen it must be 1267 wide.
        Is it something with screen settings, with BV something else or should I fix all of my pages 1267x950 so that they are fitting on the preview?


        • Pablo

          • May 2005
          • 507

          The width and height in Page Properties do not specify the dimensions of the generate HTML, but they specify the workspace for BV. This is the amount of space available for you to put your HTML object on.
          The page width and height is determined by your browser depending on the position and sizes of the contained HTML objects and cannot be controled through HTML tags.

          Shapes are not ment to be used as background. No matter what size you make them they will never be displayed correct on every browser, because of different PC configurations. Also when you use a shape as background it will make your web page load very slow, due to the large image size.
          Forum Moderator
          BlueVoda Spe******t


          • satneC
            First Lieutenant

            • Oct 2005
            • 160

            Pablo thnx,

            So I guess creating a tamplates from shapes is also stupid thing to do. I did that becouse tamplates that I download did not fit in entire page.
            Just one more thing. When you click preview button is "what you see is what others see"?


            • Pablo

              • May 2005
              • 507

              You can use templates if you center the content. This way it will look good on all browsers.

              The way it's displayed depends on the type of browser your visitors using and the screen resolution they have.
              Forum Moderator
              BlueVoda Spe******t


              • satneC
                First Lieutenant

                • Oct 2005
                • 160

                I must crack this template thing before I publish my site. I insert a template on blank BV page, put 5 navigation bars in horizontal and they are streching over entire template. I made 7-8 pages with pics, text,.... but I was using shapes for header, for text bacground, ... and it seem that this was a mistake, so I have to start all over again.

                If I am wrong, please correct me:
                - I insert a template (use original image size)
                - I put text, pictures , shapes, lines,... only on the template even everything is almost to small to work with
                - center in browser, lock all together
                - publish and somehow everything will look OK on the screen?
                Last edited by satneC; 10-25-2005, 08:20 PM.


                • Pablo

                  • May 2005
                  • 507

                  1. Enable guide borders and set them to 800x600
                  2. Set Page Properties to 800x600
                  3. Make sure all your web content is centered within these borders
                  4. Enable 'Center in browser'
                  5. Preview your page. The content of the page should now be centered nomatter what screensize or how big your browser window is.
                  Forum Moderator
                  BlueVoda Spe******t


                  • satneC
                    First Lieutenant

                    • Oct 2005
                    • 160

                    I almost got it. You mean like VodaHost Page. Everything in center and al litlle bit white arround it. But, if I want that header go from side to side of a page, I have to experiment a bit.

