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HTML Validation

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  • HTML Validation

    How important is HTML validation? I have run my pages, numerous errors are found. The majority are, for example, "line 68 column 9 - Error: ID "BV_" already defined", and various attributes and elements not allowed, which seem to have occurred naturally through building with BV, but which I cannot access to edit in BV.

    Should I be concerned?

  • #2
    Re: HTML Validation

    I'm new to BV, but...

    The id="bv_" is causing that particular error - id values should be unique, but BV generates the same bv_ for each one.


    • #3
      Re: HTML Validation

      With a html generator like BV there isn't anything you can really do unless the program itself is changed. About the only thing you can do is go in and edit your pages by hand each and every time you publish to clean up the pages and make them all validate.

      That being said I wouldn't worry about your html being able to validate correctly.

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      • #4
        Re: HTML Validation

        That's all I needed to hear. Movin' On!



        • #5
          Re: HTML Validation

          Most templates and website builders generate some invalid coding. Almost all sites have some coding that generates a warning, rather than a flat error. Slapping pictures in a table is actually invalid usage of what a table was intended for.. displaying data..



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